10 Top Paleo & Health Resources You Need To Know

Over the years I’ve tried a few diets and lifestyles. I loved few, disliked most. Nothing ever seemed to be “the answer” until I blended everything I knew from the top experts in various fields and found something that worked for me.

I have found myself applying this to various areas of my life when it comes to formulating what works for me, from diet, lifestyle, learning, coaching, mindfulness, exercise, and more.

It probably helps that I’m the type of person that absolutely LOVES to learn. I can’t get enough of it! Any time I have spare time I’m watching a conference on YouTube or listening to a podcast. I find it absolutely fascinating at how much information is out there and why people feel so strongly about one stance vs. another.

What I also find fascinating is how much new information is discovered every year. Who knows what really works other than to getting to know your mind and body for yourself?! I mean, in the 90s it was low fat, and now?

Now fat is the cool kid on the block.

adrenal fatigue coach

This is why I keep an open mind. Just like how conventional medicine says there is no such thing as “adrenal fatigue”, and while the naming of this syndrome is yet to be conclusive, what I do know is the effects that this hormonal dysregulation had on my mental and physical self.

What matters is finding out what works FOR YOU.

What matters is getting to know YOUR OWN body and mind and not compare success stories.

What matters is identifying the right people and resources that will help you become your OPTIMAL SELF.

With that said, here are the top Paleo experts and other resources I keep an eye on for the latest and greatest as this field continues to expand.

While they all have common themes, they also differ in slight ways. What’s most important to consider here is not what they say, but how you feel, perform, and think, as you apply advice and adjust your lifestyle.

If you don’t know where to start, choose one adjustment and commit to two weeks, then see how you feel. Give yourself constraints and honor your decision to try something new.

Finding what works for you is a journey; and you have to remember that as you evolve so will the lifestyle – so you might as well enjoy the ride.

In wellness,


Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash