Friday Focus – 11/3/17 {Time Is Of The Essence}

Only 2 months left in the year… Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It’s as if with every passing year it goes by faster and faster. Makes me recognize, yet again, how precious our life is and how wisely we need to choose how we spend each moment.

This reminds me of something Naval Ravikant once said, (and I’m paraphrasing) “our time on earth is like a blink of a dragonfly”. It’s true, in the grand scheme of the Universe our time is so short and I often ask myself, do my actions reflect this truth?

So for this week’s Friday Focus I wanted to ask another set of powerful questions we can use to reflect on time. Especially since we only have 2 months left in 2017!

Powerful Questions

  • What were some initial goals I had for 2017?
  • With what I’ve learned in the past 10 months, where do these goals fit in to my evolving Purpose?
  • What matters most in my life?
  • How can I spend these next 2 months so that they can be something to remember years from today?
  • What is one special thing I can do for myself and/or others every day?

Go ahead, spend some time for yourself reflecting on these powerful questions and allow your heart to answer these questions. You may notice some new truths that have been brewing within yourself begin to surface, or some overarching themes that consistently come up.

Speaking of time… don’t forget to set your clocks back this weekend. We have an extra hour to make things extra special 🙂

In wellness,
