Friday Focus – 12/23/16

I can’t believe it.

I just can’t believe it’s Christmas on Sunday. I know I say this for all of us but seriously, where did this year GO?!?

They say time flies with age, which makes me remember this post all the more…but I can’t help but shake my head in amazement at how fast this year went.

So many epiphanies, so many heartfelt moments, and still so many dreams to catch.

For this Friday’s focus I thought I’d bring home the idea of letting go of expectations.

With Christmas literally right around the corner it’s easy to have the small, yet insidious, expectations around how the rest of the weekend will go, pondering what last minute presents will be placed under the Christmas tree, and how about writing those New Year’s resolutions? It’s just too easy to let your mind slip into the abyss of expectations setting.

While setting resolutions has been a tried and true yearly tradition, I’d like to urge everyone to take a moment and truly ask yourself, “why?” with each line of resolve.

You’ll often find that there is a deeper reason behind why you want to get a new job, lose weight once and for all, or upgrade your wardrobe from 2007.

Now that’s not to say there are some good resolutions we should certainly keep, but oftentimes when we dig deep enough we’ll find that the deeper meaning BEHIND the resolution will ignite an even deeper resolve, an awakening to what is truth, and even actual tactics and/or ideas we can actually put to use 🙂

With that said… let go… live with lightness for even just a moment, and my deepest and heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas with some of your most cherished human beings.
