Friday Focus – 12/30/16

Well, this is it; last Friday of the year, last post of the year, last two days of the year. Where did the year go? While the last few days in particular have been hectic wrapping up the end of 2016, I am so blessed and in deep gratitude my family all decided to gather, here in Seattle, to spend some quality time with one another.

As I sit here writing this my belly is full from a gluten-free pizza (made from scratch thanks to ATK!) we devoured after a full day of running errands, cleaning the house, and getting things in order for 2017.

Oh, and I guess I squeezed in another bake session with these amazing gluten-free chocolate chip cookies…

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The holidays tend to make me reflect even more so than usual and amps the cheesiness volume way up – and I don’t mind it one bit. I am so thankful for my family, the home we get to spend our time together in, the little pup my brother decided to adopt almost 2 years ago, and for the stillness of the moment that I have to write this blog post.

While there are a lot of unknowns in 2017, my heart is filled with gratitude and earnest faith that all that is meant to happen will happen. All whom I am supposed to meet I will meet. And I can’t wait to continue to live with more faith, more aliveness, and more wisdom in 2017.

Happy New Year friends. Namaste!