Kombucha at home

Friday Focus – 2/3/17

Being sick for most of the week has left me for a loop! So for this week’s Friday Focus I decided to share a bit of everything that’s happened this week including how I got over the flu, new books I’m reading, and adventures of Kombucha brewing!

First thing first, the flu that is being passed around is BAD. Whether I got it in passing while traveling to Portland or didn’t dress appropriately for how cold it was going to be, the flu did me good. Thankfully I remembered to dose up on Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, and the secret weapon – bone broth.

I had totally forgotten my mom had made some bone broth the last time she was here and conveniently put a serving size inside a quart size ziplock in the freezer. Koreans have been making bone broth for years and the funny part is… I haven’t quite figured out how they get the soup to be milky white! When I get soup bones from the farmers market to make bone broth my broth is a light to dark brown color. Both are tasty but have incredibly different taste, texture, and color to them. Intrigue aside, it worked like magic. While the soup wasn’t spicy at all I feel as if I had sweat it all out  😉

With all the extra time on my hands I started to dig into a few books I had gotten my hands on and thought I would share them here:

NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You

Stumbling on Happiness

The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, and Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea

I have always found the mind/body connection fascinating and have quickly learned over the last few years how we interact with life all starts in the brain and not vice versa. Very empowering and I can’t wait to dig into it all!

On the home front, I have decided to brew my own kombucha. For a while my friend and I were doing an almond milk & kombucha exchange. I’d make honey lavender almond milk in exchange for a bottle of home made DELICIOUS (might I add) kombucha.

The first time I tasted this batch of home brew I was hooked! It was the most effervescent, potent elixir of kombucha I had ever had. Knowing how I like to make everything as home made as possible I knew this was something I had to try once the timing was right.

After purchasing the Big Book of Komucha last year I finally read through the book and feel ready to dive into the world of home brewing 🙂  I have to say, I am quite pleased with this book. The amount of information and beautiful photographs to illustrate each and every point made it extremely helpful to follow along.

So that’s how I’m kicking off my weekend! The SCOBYs arrive today and I’ll be brewing the first two gallon batch today. Stay tuned! Within 10-21 days I’ll be able to report how the first batch turned out 🙂
