Friday Focus – 3/16/18 {It’s All About Appreciation}

This week’s Friday Focus is all about appreciation.

Perhaps it’s a sign of Spring, but these past two weeks have been particularly hectic. As if a budding flower is feeling the sudden heat of the sun, I felt a surge of chaotic energy that felt both good and tiring. And as the bud becomes the flower, basking in the sun, I am now feeling that sweet release and contentment as I gear up for international travels.

Which brings me to appreciation.

Throughout the hectic moments in our lives it can be incredibly easy to forget our true nature. We can get caught up in the small stresses and obstacles that come up. We begin to stare at our to do list or our calendar and begin to wonder, “how is this all going to get done?” or “when will this ever end?”.

That’s when I turn everything around to appreciation.

I begin to appreciate every little thing in my life. From the blankets that keep me warm as I turn to bed to the transportation I am riding to get to my next destination. I begin to truly give thanks and amplify what is already in my life.

And when I do this, suddenly the task at hand doesn’t seem so big. I begin to realize everything is happening for me.

When you can appreciate everything in your life now, then you can appreciate everything that comes. The fear or anxiety that suffocates you in the moments of chaos falls away too, instead of following you to the next thing.

Appreciation is a powerful and real energetic quality we should all invite into our lives. It changes your perspective. It raises you up. It brings you to the truth, your light, your true reality.

May we invite more appreciation into our daily lives and in each and every moment, and watch how our life magically unfolds.

In wellness,


Photo by Ludovic Gauthier on Unsplash