Seattle Stress Management Coach, Eliminate Burnout

How To Be Stress Free

I get asked all the time, “Are you really stress-free? Is it possible?”

And for those that have followed me for some time, know that I like to say that life is 50/50.

And if life is going to be half negative…. well, our problems, unfortunately (or fortunately if you like the growth mindset), are forever.

Seattle Stress Management Coach

However, that does not mean your stress needs to be forever.

Your stress can be something you quickly manage and disengage with on a problem by problem basis.

What I see most often though, is that people linger in the stress and make their circumstances much bigger than it has to be.

This happens for two major reasons:

  1. We don’t know how to properly process the stress so that it can flow out of the body
  2. We don’t know how to diffuse the root cause of stress at the causal level (most people react from the effect i.e., their job, a specific person, the neighbor, the road rager, etc.)

Suddenly, these same people who had one problem…. now have three.

You see, stress can be elusive when you don’t know what to pinpoint or HOW to disengage quickly and effectively.

When we don’t know how to process stress, we end up not knowing how to live life at an optimal level.


Because stress is one spectrum of our emotions.

When we know how to properly process and manage stress, we now know how to do the same for every negative emotion we ever feel.

But,  back to the topic at hand….

Can we be stress free?

No, not forever.

But what we can be is a person with a stress-free mentality toward stress because we now know how to handle it whenever it arises instead of panicking or in high anxiety about the stress itself.

Do yourself a favor an get real intimate with why and how you react to every situation in your life. It will show you exactly what you need to work on.

In wellness,
