Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

How To Live A More Meaningful Life Amidst Adrenal Fatigue

What does it mean to live a meaningful life amidst adrenal fatigue? If you’re experiencing deep burnout, or perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue… chances are you’ve been in a cycle of worry, stress, and overwhelm for quite some time.

Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout


Maybe, because of adrenal burnout you’ve been searching for this so called “meaning”.

But let me get straight to the point.

To search for this so called meaning presupposes you don’t have meaning in your life RIGHT NOW.

This confuses the part of yourself that understands there is nothing absolutely wrong with you in this very moment.

And because our brain can only focus on one thing at a time, when we choose to focus on the lack, or the problem in this case, all we invite into our life is the meaning-LESS of what our life is.

So, what is a person to do?

If you want to live a more meaningful life amidst adrenal fatigue, the best thing you can do for yourself is to appreciate what “meaning” you already have in your life today.

What brings a smile to your face?

What small joy do you have that you take for granted?

How can you help someone today?

Who you can love on just a little more today? Whether they deserve it or not?

What small gesture can you do for yourself as a show of appreciation for who you already are?

When we begin building appreciation for what we have something magical happens.

Ever heard that saying, “what you focus on grows”?

The same is true for your own experience.

Start appreciating every small moment in your life and you suddenly realize you are living your best life in THIS VERY MOMENT.

It’s never about what we don’t have…

… it’s ALWAYS about what we have in this moment in time.

In wellness,
