Seattle Stress Management Coach


There’s something amazing about declaring your goals and intent out into the world.

Maybe it’s the energetic act of pulling it out of your head & heart, and into the open.

Or, perhaps it’s the next step in creation itself to go from thought to voice.

Either way, these personal aspirations of mine have been on my heart for quite some time and I wanted to share it in hopes that it would spark some inspiration in your own aspirations as we turn another season.

  • I will act and serve in love over fear
  • I hope to impact as many people as I can
  • I will move my body in a way that serves me always
  • I will nourish my temple mindfully and thank it every day for what it does for me
  • I want to blow my own mind with what is possible
  • I will never forget the value of learning and evolving into my next best self
  • I hope to be inspiring 
  • I will live an interesting life
  • I want to die knowing I did everything I ever wanted to do without fear
  • I want to have the most fun as I can

Manifesto Inspiration to live an epic life

So what’s on your personal manifesto?

Am I missing some good ones?

Let me know and let’s share what we’ve got to offer in this epic life we have.

In wellness,
