A little bit more


A few fun facts about me:

  • Almond milk lattes are genius concoctions that make my heart skip a beat
  • Peet’s has the best almond milk lattes and trust me, I’ve tried $10 lattes from the hippest of places and I still go back to Peet’s
  • Soy matcha lattes from Turret Coffee might just rival an almond milk latte (BONUS: they even add a spoonful of sweetened adzuki beans!)
  • Feeling a warm summer breeze makes me feel at home
  • I’m Korean American
  • I have a deep love of ART and fell hard into photography. I particularly love capturing the heart and soul of people, hence the portraits you see above
  • If I had to relate to any “lifestyle” of eating I love the Primal lifestyle Mark Sisson promotes and eat gluten free. It has changed my life!
  • Farmers market every single Sunday
  • While I was a heavy crossfitter in the past I now know to mix it up with pilates, YOGA, spin, and being out in nature. All thanks to a back injury
  • Adrenal fatigue is a REAL THING. And trust me… it sucks. It hit in 2015 and took a few years to fully recover. I have to say, I learned so much in the process which has led me to a serve a greater purpose
  • 95% of my mornings start off with meditation. Where is the other 5%? When life happens, which ironically is when you need meditation the most 😉

There’s so much more… and  because as human beings we are such complex beings it’s just impossible to try and sum it up in a single blog post! I also recognize we are constantly growing, stretching and learning which makes this journey so beautiful and fun.

That said, I hope to share a bit more in each blog post through every a-ha and beautiful life moment.

In wellness.