Our Brains Are Creative Machines – Is It Working FOR You?

Did you know that everything we do is creative? That we are creative in nature and creation itself?

Our brains are constantly creating whether we know it or not. Whether it’s thinking, doing, or working physically to keep our bodies going.., we are in motion all the time.

Just as we are creative we were given the power of free will. We are in control 100% of the time and it all starts with a thought. What do you choose to believe?

In mindfulness practice we learn we are the observer of our thoughts and not the thoughts we are thinking. We also learn we are so good at creating stories we actually believe them.

When we start to get good at being the watcher we begin to create separation between self and thought, and when we do this, we begin to understand we are not our thoughts at all. Pause a minute because that’s HUGE.

It’s as if we were inside the movie this whole time and yet we didn’t realize we were the director of it all.

Our brains are smart. And it’s efficient. It will always be working on something, and because it’s efficient it will always work on what is easiest and safest. It’s what are primitive brains grew up knowing in order to survive.

But once we realize our thoughts and behaviors are mostly habituated patterns we can take back the power and start to reinstate new thoughts and behaviors that serve who we are today.

Just as it was easy for your brain to operate at a certain level, you need to put in the work and create a new neural pathway for your new level of operation. Think of it as a software upgrade for your computer, except this time, it’s for your brain.

The way in which we do this is actual practice. Thinking the new thought, following through on new actions, and committing to it all. After all, your commitment to think old thoughts and act in old ways is what got you the results you have today right?

Remember, our brains are creative machines and the power is in YOUR hands. Here’s to new ways of living.

In wellness,


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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash