Personal Responsibility

Ah, if there are two words that have become the ultimate power play for 2018 it’s this: Personal Responsibility.

When I think of personal responsibility it automatically presumes the power is in my hands, not anyone else’s.

Think about it, how many times these past few days have you allowed others or some thing to put you into a mood? Whether we like it or not, things will happen beyond our control and it’s up to us whether or not we want to give away our power or take personal responsibility and own how we react.

When we allow outside influences to control how we feel this is giving away our innate power. It reinforces our subconscious mind that we aren’t in control of how we feel, when in actuality we have immense power over how we feel.

Allow yourself some time today to reflect on the following questions in order to understand your own level of personal responsibility:

  • How easily do I “get over” things once they happen?
  • Do I mull over the incident repeatedly?
  • Is there a particular time of day or place when these “incidents” happen?
  • What helps me to realize I am the one in control?
  • How have I allowed others or some thing to take responsibility over how I feel?


Personal Responsibility is a powerful force. Once you realize you’re the one that’s actually in control of your life you can begin to fly.

In wellness,


Photo by Louis Smit on Unsplash