Sleep On It

We all know the importance of sleep, but do you really?

I’ve noticed for myself when I lack sleep or am on the verge of sleep but decide to push off the need to go to bed in order to work more, my decisions and thinking lack the grounded and holistic qualities I normally would have.

Since noticing this I have put an importance around nighttime rituals with a particular focus on timing. For example:

  • Tea around 8:30 PM
  • Shutting down electronics at 9pm
  • Journaling/Automatic Writing if there are recurring thoughts the mind wants to analyze
  • Meditation for 5-10 minutes
  • Reading
  • Essential oils

You see, when you prioritize your core needs to be your best self by allowing yourself a good night’s rest, thinking becomes clearer, you become healthier, decisions aren’t so clouded anymore.

Have you ever gone to bed and woke up the next morning with a whole new perspective? Feeling lighter and ready to take on the day? Possibly even thinking quite the opposite of how you were feeling the night before? This is the importance of sleep!

I always tell myself and others, “If you’re trying to rush a decision – SLEEP ON IT”.

After all, you might just discover your need for rest and quality sleep is skewing your very own perspective on any given situation.

So give yourself the rest you deserve. It just might change your life.

In wellness,


Photo by Logan Nolin on Unsplash