Best healthy PMS milkshake! Guaranteed to solve any chocolate craving. Decadent and delicious!

The Best Chocolate Milkshake Recipe for PMS

Men, you may need to skip this post or if you have a woman in your life, read on because this post is GOLD.

Before I dive into this I need to mention one thing, the best part about this chocolate milkshake recipe is that it’s completely healthy for you! Yes, you read that right, HEALTHY. Put yo hands up!!!Ā ?

I know so many women who suffer some form of hormonal change right before menstruation. This could result in feeling hot, irritable, bloating, and/or of course craving all the salty and sweet foods a person can ask for.

I’ve actually found NLP and training the unconscious mind to be immensely helpful when it comes to reprogramming your brain on the expectancy of PMS but that is a whole other (possibly series) of post for another day.

Today, I wanted to share with you a recipe that I love to indulge in even if I’m not craving a milkshake because it’s THAT good.

The recipe:

  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • 1 cup almond milk or milk of choice
  • 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon of raw cacao nib for an extra chocolatey punch
  • Sweetener of choice such as dates, honey, agave, etc. but purely optional
  • Stevia to taste (just make sure you put enough sweetener whether stevia or caloric based into this shake, indulge a little!)
  • 1/2 and avocado (yes this is what makes it SO creamy plus it’s full of magnesium!)
  • Adaptogens or other garnish to taste. You can put in your favorite adaptogens such as rhodiola or ashwaganda without it distorting the flavor, OR you can add in cinnamon and turn it into a Chocolate Horchata Milkshake!

I don’t know about you but just writing about this is making me want one RIGHT NOW and I just had one a few hours ago šŸ˜‰

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I hope you have access to these ingredients right now, I guarantee you it will satisfy. Enjoy and happy craving busting!

In wellness,


Adaptogens for adrenal fatigue

Favorites Lately – Sunpotion

Stress. It can be so easy to fall into it am I right?

Every since experiencing adrenal fatigue I have been vigilant about watching stress. Whether it’s stress from work, the analytical mind, exercise, lack of sleep, you name it – ensuring your stress levels are in check requires mindfulness and action.

Paired with mindfulness and a holistic approach to life, what I have found to beĀ amazing at helping ensure I am supported in keeping stress at bay areĀ adaptogens.

Anyone who has delved into the world of health, fitness or vitamins has certainly heard this buzzword for quite some time. As someone who has experienced adaptogens their whole life I can attest to these amazing supplements that come from the natural elements of the world.

Lately, I’ve been using Sunpotion as part of my daily ritual. Also pictured is AmlaPlex which I’ll speak to below:

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So what is moringa, rhodiola, and AmlaPlex? Let me explain how I use these wonderful adaptogens in my daily routine:

  • Moringa
    • What it is: Moringa by Sunpotion is packaged as a green powder and is full of micronutrients and amino acids. While it has many purported benefits I specifically use moringa to assist with stress management and a gentle energy boost without the element of caffiene.
    • How I use it: I love having moringa as a tea or a latte in the morning either before breakfast or after breakfast. If I drink it as a latte it will typically be before breakfast. Ā Did I mention how much I love how it acts as a natural energy boost without feeling the jitters?!
  • Rhodiola
    • What it is: Let me start by saying Rhodiola is magic for me. While I wrote about rhodiola in earlier blog posts I want to emphasize how important it is to find out what works forĀ you and your body. Each body’s chemical make up is different and it’s important to work with a trained professional to find out what works for you and your current situation. I’ve tried Ashwaganda for stress management but my adrenals love Rhodiola. It stabilizes my stress and energy levels whether I have a dip in energy or too much of it; Rhodiola always brings it back to where it needs to be in the circadian rhythm.
    • How I use it: Rhodiola is a key ingredient in my morning “poppin collagen lattes“. I add a half tsp, sometimes a little more, into my concoction and blend it all together until the coffee turns into a smooth foamy blend. It does have an earthiness to it but I’ve found that adding the tiniest pinch of stevia does the trick. Cinnamon helps too!
  • AmlaPlex
    • What it is: AmlaPlex is a auyervedic blendĀ madeĀ from 35 select ingredients, including spices and herbal extracts. I was recommended this blend from my ND who suggested to take this morning and evening to help with increasing immune function during a time when I was catching the cold.
    • How I use it: Doctor’s orders… morning and evening I take a tsp after my meal. To some who are not used to various spices it may taste… spicy… but I love spice so naturally this tastes amazing šŸ™‚ It is also a bit sweet so it acts as a dessert too.

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So there you have it, adaptogens and the powerful effects it could have on your health! I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to adopt holistic life changes to assist with stress management and note purely rely on supplements. After all, you want to get to the root cause and only use these when your body may need the extra boost!

I’m curious, have you ever tried adaptogens? If so, which ones have you tried and have you noticed a difference? What lifestyle choices have you adjusted to get to the root cause? How do you effect positive change in your life?
