Adventure & Mindset

​”A grand adventure is about to begin.”

~Winnie the Pooh

How often do you wake up and view life as an adventure? An untold story waiting to unfold?

The first few moments of waking up from your dreamy, hypnotic state is the best time to daydream into your adventures. Allow your mind to relax knowing you are held. 

Remember, there is no need to control anything, except for the allowing of what is in complete surrender and faith.


Friday Focus – 12/30/16

Well, this is it; last Friday of the year, last post of the year, last two days of the year. Where did the year go? While the last few days in particular have been hectic wrapping up the end of 2016, I am so blessed and in deep gratitude my family all decided to gather, here in Seattle, to spend some quality time with one another.

As I sit here writing this my belly is full from a gluten-free pizza (made from scratch thanks to ATK!) we devoured after a full day of running errands, cleaning the house, and getting things in order for 2017.

Oh, and I guess I squeezed in another bake session with these amazing gluten-free chocolate chip cookies…

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Japan Trip Revisited

How do I describe Japan? Logically I understand it is one of the biggest cities in Asia but ironically due to their perfection in almost all they do, extreme politeness I wish I could see in more areas of the world, and utterly clean streets, I almost feel I’m in a completely different world!

I’ve lived in Japan for 3 years during high school years so going back wasn’t all too shocking.

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