Seattle Stress and Overeating Coach

One Simple Rule To Get Your Precious TIME Back!

We all wish we had MORE time in the day, but what if you really COULD get more time back?

I’m sharing one simple rule to help you get ALL your precious time back.

And it’s simple folks!

Like I said folks, SIMPLE!

What are some ways you plan to implement this rule in your life?

In wellness,



Learn if this one thing is keeping you in BURNOUT.

Learn If THIS Is Keeping You In Burnout

If anyone’s been through burnout it’s me, and I can’t say it was pretty.

And if you’ve been there yourself, most likely you’re nodding along with the words on this page.

Learn the one thing keeping you in burnout... and trust me it's NOT work!


While on the surface there seems to be many reasons for burnout, there is only one source of it.

Your mind.

You see, if you have a ton of things you’re juggling in your life right now, and especially if you’re Type A to boot, well most likely there’s a sense of urgency driving you to do the things you do.

And if you’re in burnout then you are always, and I mean always, driving yourself from a sense of lack or fear.

The one exception there is are results. If you can look at the past 30 days and physically account for the new results you created in your life, then yes hun… take the break (and if you’re fearful of taking the break then that’s a whole other issue we need to discuss!).

But if you can’t find the results and most of your explanations are in your thoughts, then at least we have something to dissect so that we can get to the core of the issue.

Take a look at these questions below and block out 30 minutes for yourself to take an honest inventory:

  • What am I most hard on about myself?
  • When was the last time I treated myself because I was proud vs. because I was tired?
  • How do I talk to myself when I am embarrassed or failed at something?
  • What do I say when I look in the mirror?
  • Do I spend too much time thinking about what decisions I should make?
  • How often do you think about what other people think about you?
  • Do you reach for the wine, the bag of chips, or incessantly check Instagram the moment you don’t feel good?

The way you talk to yourself stem from a thought you have about the situation and ultimately yourself.

Once we address THIS, it will determine whether you continue down the path to burnout or recovery.

So tell me…

How often do you think thoughts of success? Abundance? Love?


How often do you think thoughts of fear? Worry? Confusion? Scarcity?

The honest truth is that burnout is never caused by working too much. When you accept the moments for what they are, you can put in the hours and never feel as if you worked.

Burnout is caused by the thoughts you have about the situations in your life. Ultimately it is what you are resisting, and when you argue against reality you will always lose.

So what can you do?

You think better thoughts.

No one ever tell us we can choose our thoughts, but we can.

This is true personal power.

Once you realize you are the director of your own movie you are now playing at the causal level.

No longer are you being tossed around like a leaf by the wind. You ARE the wind itself.

So be responsible. Take charge. Own your thoughts and commit to the future you want.

No one is here to save us, and that is good news my friends because now we can finally take action of our own lives.

In wellness,





Live beyond adrenal fatigue!

Learn The Biggest Mistake You Make When Trying To Get Rid Of Stress!

Before I start going into the biggest mistake we make when trying to get rid of stress, I wanted to take a moment and make one thing clear: stress is a part of life; some stress is even healthy for you.

Learn The Biggest Mistake You Make When Trying To Get Rid Of Stress!.png

But so often what happens is that we make stress mean something other than it is.

You see, as humans we have been given the power of free will. The power to choose our thoughts. And we get to choose between positive, negative, and neutral. So when things happen in our life we choose to make things much more stressful than they actually are.

For most, this is a hard concept to grasp because what we think we are reacting to is just the fact of life, but what we are ACTUALLY responding to is a thought about what is happening.

(I know, this stuff can get confusing but I promise it’s simple)

Here’s the biggest mistake we make when it comes to getting rid of stress.

The very act of getting rid of it is the mistake. By getting rid of it you are creating resistance and giving stress more power. By thinking there is a need to “get rid of it” you are presupposing there is something wrong to begin with.

What if peace comes first after you acknowledge you are at peace with the situation?

What if, by recognizing things are just happening because they are happening you stop resisting the moment?

What if, by allowing yourself in a non-judgmental way to feel whatever it is you are feeling, you are actually speeding up the process toward peace?

You see, stress is ultimately what we make it. When we are stressed, it allows us the opportunity to inquire within and ask, what is actually stressful here? Because when we really dig deep and ask ourselves, “so what?”, we will often find there is fear to be found and THAT is the real work we must tend to.

So the next time you feel stress creeping up around the corner, ask yourself, “so what?” and see what unfolds for you.

In wellness,


adrenal fatigue coach

What To Do After Major Adrenal Fatigue Or Burnout

I like to call this phase the i-think-i’m-a-zombie phase.

If you’re the type of person that wants to just move on with your life to the good stuff, chances are you haven’t fully absorbed the meaning behind why adrenal fatigue happened and how you can transform adrenal fatigue to serve you.

You might still be in a daze as to why adrenal fatigue even happened, especially since you’re smart, well intended, and nothing that stressful really happened. Right?

It’s not until we look back and realize just how hard we were working and just how hard we were on ourselves during these times.

adrenal fatigue and stress management coach

If we don’t take the time to understand why our bodies couldn’t habituate to the stress and what was causing the stress in the first place, we just might find ourselves in a similar situation in the near future.

And that is no good.

Anyone who’s ever been through adrenal fatigue would never wish it upon anyone, even their worst enemies.

So what can you do during this zombie phase?

You can start by simply taking the time to reflect on what was driving you so hard to begin with.

What were you so hard on yourself for? What were you afraid of?

Now I’m not talking about things outside our external control.

I’m talking about your internal drivers. What motivates you and why, and why you place meaning behind the things you do.

You see, once we can start to understand the root of what was driving you to do, be, and act the way you did prior to adrenal fatigue, we can begin to build new internal drivers.

This is the most important work you can do for yourself.

This type of investment is the kind of investment no one talks about.

What if you could have invested in yourself THEN so you wouldn’t have had to go through adrenal fatigue?

What if, now knowing this, you can invest in yourself NOW so that you can prevent another breakdown in the future?

What if by investing in yourself now you can live the life you always dreamed of?

Understanding your internal drivers is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If you don’t take action for yourself, who will?

In wellness,



Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Is adrenal fatigue real?

Is Adrenal Fatigue REAL?

Depending on how long you’ve been experiencing adrenal fatigue, you probably know by know that “adrenal fatigue” is a syndrome that is not recognized by conventional medicine, which means you’re working with a naturopatic doctor or other alternative health care practitioner at the time of this writing.

Well, it doesn’t stop there. There’s more research that indicates while the symptoms that collectively fall under “adrenal fatigue” are real, the treatment of our adrenals isn’t truly targeting the root cause.

Adrenal Fatigue Life Coach

What few are now starting to call this is HPA Axis Dysregulation. The HPA Axis is known to be the body’s central stress response system. And for some people, when our body, and it’s hormonal response, is no longer able to habituate to the chronic stressor, symptoms of “adrenal fatigue” begin to emerge until we treat the root cause

Essentially – cortisol disturbance.

So, is adrenal fatigue REAL? HELL YES.

Should it be CALLED adrenal fatigue? I’ll leave that to the medical experts.

What I do know is that the collective symptoms that are now under the naming convention – adrenal fatigue – is absolutely real and debilitating.

Thankfully, there IS a way to peace and finding joy while in recovery.

It wasn’t until I realized my thoughts were causing me more stress than what was actually happening in my life that I was able to regain control.

This is what I tell my clients (adrenal fatigue or not) all day long. You need to pull out the ROOTS (your mis-managed thoughts) in order to FEEL BETTER. Because our thoughts create our feelings, never what’s happening.

It’s a hard concept to grasp at first but when you do, you’ll begin to realize just how IN CONTROL you are of your life 100% of the time.

So, adrenal fatigue? It’s real – at least the collective symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

I hear you. I see you. I feel you. 

How do I know? Because I was right there with you my friend.

Let me know how I can help.

In wellness,


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