Letting Go of Form When It Comes to Expectations

This is probably one of the hardest lessons when it comes to the human mind… Often times when we have a desire for a certain outcome whether it be a job, weight on the scale, soulmate, car, whatever it may be… our minds have a way of knowing EXACTLY what we want and if not exact, it knows to be disappointed or elated (more disappointed than not) once you’ve reached a certain point in time.

I am often humbled and embarrassed when I remember the times I was so determined to make something work, only to have, what seemed at the time, the door shut in my face so fast and so hard I could have felt the physicality of it. Oh yes, anyone ever had that moment?

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Friday Focus – 12/16/16

Can you feel Christmas in the air? And if you don’t necessarily celebrate Christmas… perhaps you feel the holiday cheer? Everyone seems to be more relaxed, cheery, and overall happy. I love these warm, fuzzy feelings and I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts 😉

Yesterday, I tried what seemed to be the best flourless peanut butter cookies, but alas… I ended up scratching my head in confusion wondering how 200 people gave this recipe a 5 stars. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to add an extra tablespoon of coconut oil… it seemed like a good idea at the time?

All that said, it seems only fitting that for this Friday Focus the theme is…

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Can it get any better?

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays. The smell of all things delicious baking in the oven, the bouts of laughter coming from all corners of the house, the crackling of the fireplace, saying grace and sharing what we’re thankful for… I mean, can it get any better?

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so much. To name a few I am thankful for…

  • Peace… and the grace that as human beings we even have the freedom to surrender in order to obtain peace
  • God’s love, which we have access to at any given moment, 24/7
  • The freedom of choice
  • Support
  • This body which has gone through thick and thin with me

I would love to hear some of yours  🙂  What are you most grateful for?

My deepest wishes to you for a very grateful Thanksgiving with family, friends, and community.

Love & Peace friends.