Getting Creative With Ceramics

I’ve been writing a lot about creativity and allowing your deeper self to play, have fun, and explore. If you haven’t checked out the 5 days of POWERFUL QUESTIONS do it now! It is all about finding your own creativity and how to show up in this world in our own authentic way.

If you’ve been following along you know one of my biggest and playful outlets has been working with CLAY! Learning from others, making new friends, and most importantly LETTING GO of all expectations has been the **best** part of this Summer’s creative experiment.

I remember the first day I entered the studio I had such a hard time creating pieces. The ideas weren’t flowing. Then, the moment I started creating for others it’s as if my hands couldn’t move faster than the ideas.

(Friends, you know what you’re getting for Christmas right?)

Something else I learned while being in the studio? Detachment. Letting go. Surrendering. Clay is funny, some days you get it right, and other days it decides to break or deform overnight. Allowing what is to just be (yes, even the pieces you lovingly worked on), and enjoying the process is what makes the 3 hours a day not only feel magical but go by **real** fast.

I can’t believe there’s only a few precious weeks left of studio time… and I still have another 25+ pound bag of clay! I am looking forward to deeper play, honoring my creativity, and allowing the magical alchemy of surrender influence the next few pieces. Time to get to WORK!

In wellness,


Language & Beliefs

Your language is a window into your beliefs, and your beliefs are a window into your vibrational state. Take a moment today to identify FIRST where you want to be and how you want to feel, and now reverse engineer the process.

It’s so simple yet incredibly true and powerful when you do the work. Take a quiet moment to think about how you want to feel and then use the beliefs and language you need to support this.

In other news, I’ve been writing a lot about quiet time and creativity, and my creativity is exploding! Let me share this beautiful creation with you:

Processed with VSCO with f2 presetProcessed with VSCO with f2 preset

Creating this mala took hours. From the time it takes to intentionally sit with each stone and feel what it is you are drawn to, designing the mala, and then of course hand knotting each bead and pouring your intention into it. It’s quite meditative and such a beautiful process.

Did you know that Rose Quartz is one of the most popular stones for it’s loving qualities? This stone encourages love, nurturing, and warmth, and vibrates at the heart chakra and is a vibration of a high, deep love. It is often helpful for emotional healing as well as faith and hope.

And the Opal Quartz is a stone that inspires hope, creativity, and imagination. Due to it’s larger proportion of the water element, Opal is known to provide deep support during times of transition or hardship. This stone is also said to be a stone of love, helping a still heart to receive and give love, warmth, and peace. Opal has a sense of fragility, lightness, and yet a fierceness as the way the light dances to the spectrum of colors within each Opal stone. This stone also enhances cosmic and psychic consciousness, while cleansing the aura.

I thought the combination of Rose and Opal was perfect.

I’ll be spending some time creating more of these beauties and starting a ceramics class as well, but don’t worry, when I have a burning desire to share knowledge for positive change and growth you can be sure the Blog will be the first place I post.

In loving kindness,


Beautiful park near Deception Pass.

Friday Focus – 6/30/17 {Intuitive Journeying}

Lately, I’ve been feeling into what feels right in the day to day. I have my focus and my peripheral vision wide open so that I can receive all that is available to me in this moment, intuitively feeling into this journey we call life.

And what does it mean to intuitively journey? It means you are feeling into what you, let me repeat, what YOU, the deeper you wants to experience along this journey. Sometimes it may be the grind, other times it may mean to spend more time with family and friends, and sometimes it means exploring parts of you that wants to experience something.

I have felt the creative part of me want to expand and explore like never before. As I dive deep into it (writing included), I am creating space for this experience along the journey we call life. Rather than listening to the shoulds, buts, or ifs, I am intentionally creating a deeper awareness for what wants to –be– and –experience-.

Lately, this has shown up as writing and physically doing things with my hands such as taking up ceramics. (Yes, ceramics and I am SO excited to get my hands on clay!)

There are a few other projects brewing but I am keeping it sacred for now.

With that said, what does intuitive journeying mean for you? Where in your life can you expand and grow? What do you need more of in your life to feel, not good, but GREAT?

All good things to consider during this long holiday weekend ?

Be safe and namaste.
