The One Thing You Can Do To Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True

“It’s wild. It’s crazy. That can’t be…”

And yet you’re curious. “Can it be? Is it really that simple?”

That was my process years ago when I started to write out my wildest dreams. Yes, I wrote it out.

And I didn’t just write simple one sentence statements. No, I wrote out pages worth of what it would feel like, what it would look like, what the air would feel like on my skin, what my eyes would see as if I were living that moment I wanted. I wrote out every single thing I wanted to feel, hear, and sense in every way.


So guess what happened? Things started shifting.

I started to believe, and in that belief I started to act.

Remember, what you THINK you feel, and what you FEEL leads to inspired action.

I slowly started to see things come to life. I started to sense, “this is starting to happen.”.

And it’s not to say things will happen exactly the way you wrote it, but it can be even better than your wildest dreams.

So what is your wildest dreams? Have you given yourself time lately to really dream? If constraints flew out the window, what would you REALLY want for yourself?

I know there will be objections. The scoffs, the excuses of, “but I don’t have time to dream.”

But why not give it a shot? If all it takes is 30 minutes of your life to write out your wildest dreams, why not see if it will really happen? Aren’t you the least bit curious?

Put your powerful, creative brain to work and see just what happens once you plant the seed.

In magical wellness,


Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did.”

~Mark Twain

Do it guys. Go for what scares you the most and never look back. The worst thing that can happen is you face your own emotions – good or bad. It’s never about what happens, it always about what you make it mean inside your own brain.

In wellness and love,


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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 6/1/18 {Boredom Is Fear In Disguise}

Wow guys, it is JUNE.


Can you all believe just how fast Summer arrived? Where are we with our goals and evolving to become our better and best selves? This will be a whole other blog post but for now I hope you’ve been enjoying the better half of the year and have taken progress toward your dreams.

So, back to boredom.

According to the Googs (Google), boredom is, “…an emotional or psychological state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, is not interested in his or her surroundings, or feels that a day or period is dull or tedious“.

A multitude of thoughts can cause boredom; here are a few common ones I hear:

  • I already know what to expect at work
  • There are no eligible people to date
  • My partner is not as fun as s/he used to be
  • I’ve done everything this city has to offer

Please know that boredom itself and/or the circumstances that cause boredom is certainly not to blame. Yes, I repeat, NOT to blame.

Boredom is a state or feeling that is caused purely by a thought. You can just as easily change the thoughts above to something much more positive and useful that would serve you such as:

  • How can I challenge myself more at work?
  • I wonder if there are other resources I can use to expand by dating network? What don’t I know?
  • How can I show up in my relationship to add fun and new ideas?
  • Is this true? Can I branch out of my usual hobbies and check out new companies, services, and neighborhoods that I might have looked over?

Now that you know YOU are the one in control and have eliminated any blame outside yourself, there are moments in our lives when we are called to expand and evolve, and yet our primitive minds are too comfortable with where we are. (You know EXACTLY who you are even without expanding on this further.)

This feeling of complacency often is accompanied by feelings of restlessness, anxiety, hopelessness, etc. and can often by eased by buffering ourselves in the form of over drinking, overeating, over spending, over internet-ing, etc.

However, buffering is a false positive. We know that already. Buffering only leads to short term pleasure and long term pain.

Instead, what our soul is longing for is expansion. We long for creativity, growth… and the constant evolution of who we are! Yet underneath all that we thought was “boredom”, fear is really holding us back.

The fear of what you say?

You tell me.

What is it your soul has been longing for? What do you dare not to dream? If you were granted as many wishes your heart desired, what would you wish for? What are you afraid to do? What are you afraid of?

Don’t use boredom as an excuse. Honor what you’re feeling and truly dig deep. What is boredom hiding for you?

My hope is that we build enough personal power to know deep down we can handle anything. And when we know we can handle anything… that’s when we can face any circumstance or emotion (such as boredom) and know we will come out the other side as a bigger, better, evolved human being.

Here’s to understanding boredom, and thanking it.

In wellness,


Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Callie Morgan on Unsplash

Your Imagination: How Often Do You Use It?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

~Albert Einstein

A little inspiration on this beautiful Monday morning!

Could we ever have imagined a life where letters would come from a screen? Where you can punch a few numbers and contact your mom in less than 2 seconds? Where you can see virtual pictures of anywhere in the world through a tiny screen in your hand? Where you can press a button and have whatever you want delivered to your doorstep in a few hours?

Our brains do such a good job of keeping a record of our capabilities based on past results, but it also does a good job of keeping you exactly where you are because it’s safe.

In the past, we needed to be safe. Safe from lions, safe from starvation, safe from blistering cold weather.

Now? Now we know better yet our brains haven’t evolved with our pre-frontal cortex.

So, how are YOU using your imagination to dream big? What NEW frontiers are you asking of yourself so that you can grow and evolve to a bigger, better version of you?

In wellness,


Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Dreamwork: The Recurring Dream

Unbeknownst to me I’ve been having a recurring dream on and off in a span of a couple of weeks. So how do I know this? Well, somehow in my meditative state this morning I became aware of this recurring dream… and it’s meaning.

First, let me tell you about this dream. Like almost ALL dreams this one is particularly odd 😉 I seem to be running, whether on a treadmill or out on the natural pavement, but every time my left foot hits the hard surface of the ground I notice that the heel edge of the shoe is crinkled from having stepped on it so many times and I am struggling to make sure that with each step I am trying to jam my foot back into the shoe so that it is secure and doesn’t fall off! As you can see, this gets QUITE frustrating…

There’s no conclusion to the dream, just the constant anxiety and pressure to ensure the shoe doesn’t fall off!

Well, guess what? As soon as I became aware of the dream I realized it’s meaning!

It’s all about LETTING GO.

How many times do we try to make something work on our own, OR believe this one way is the only way?

To me, this dream symbolized a few simple, yet deep truths.

  1. I’m reminded that the struggle comes in trying to do it all ourselves. Oftentimes we feel alone in our endeavors and/or our thoughts. We begin to believe we truly are alone and that no one could truly “get” us and our thoughts furthering ourselves from seeking friendship and true understanding of the human experience.
  2. Furthermore, I’m reminded that when we try to control every aspect of the situation in order to get to an expected outcome, this keeps us in a state of suffering and panic. Why? Because there is no way we can control anything outside of us. This includes events, and yes, other human beings.
  3. Lastly, I’m reminded that when we try so hard to achieve the thing we think we want, the desire keeps us in a state of suffering. Will we get it? No one knows. Are we enjoying the journey? Certainly not!

It’s funny, I hadn’t even realized I was having this dream and yet, when I became aware of the dream I instantly became aware of it’s true message. And what a relief!

We all go through moments where we need the reminder, the pep talk, the simple loving touch to remind us of WHO WE REALLY ARE AT OUR ESSENCE. After all, what truly matters in this thing we call life?

I cherish and honor these simple remembrances of what it truly means to be alive, and to awaken me from my shift in perspective so that at the end of the day, I can truly live from a heart of divine love and presence.

May we all cherish the reminders.

In wellness,


Photo by Seth Macey on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 7/21/17 {How Big Are You Dreaming?}

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

~Albert Einstein

This week’s focus is about DREAMING. To focus on what your dreams look like, to begin to feel into it, and to be in gratitude of this life we get to live.

How big are you dreaming? Are you letting yourself play? Allowing room for fantasy, dreaming, and letting your imagination go wild?

Go ahead, feed your soul. For just 5 minutes today give yourself room to imagine. I find it happens best when I am writing it out on paper and then creating mental pictures in my mind. Nothing is too little to be noted!

Allow yourself to be the star in your movie. Feel your way until you smile so big you can’t seem to erase it. And just as easily as you created those feelings in 5 minutes, know that these feelings are yours even in this moment without the attainment of _______.

Remember: YOU are the creative being of your life experience. Create what your heart desires my friend.


Walking Into Fear With All The Feels

I got into San Francisco yesterday evening. It’s funny, as I was waiting for my Uber at SFO I smelled SF. Yes, I didn’t realize until this moment that SF/Bay Area had a distinct smell. Doesn’t sound too weird to me though because that’s how I feel every time I land at ICN too 🙂

Upon getting to the hotel and settling in, while it was late I wasn’t ready to go to sleep just yet. As I was sitting in bed pondering whether I should read or try to sleep suddenly I got hit with this incredibly hard feeling that I needed to cry. Out of nowhere this feeling left me feeling bewildered. Where is this coming from?

A quick mental calculation later I realized it would be the time of the month soon, but still… was there anything else going on?

I waited. I listened. I sat. I laid. Nothing happened. I’ve always been a hard crier, meaning the tears just wouldn’t flow without a good reason, so I let it be and turned down for bed.

The evening was long. And I mean loooooooong. The heater in the room made a loud clanky noise every time it turned on/off, plus, it wasn’t my bed. At around 4am I finally fell into a deep sleep and suddenly found myself lucid dreaming. Towards the end of this dream like state I realized the tears that were flowing from my face were actually streaming down my face IRL! I decided to wake up the moment my hands came up to wipe my tears away.

Was I surprised? Not really. A little? Yes.

I wasn’t surprised that the tears had finally come out, but what I was surprised about was the fact that it came out from a dream and that I felt deep emotions in this dream. I am by no means a dream interpreter but I had heard once that you can find meaning behind your dreams by getting a feel for what emotions came up.

So what did I feel in this dream? Oppression, hurt, sadness, nonacceptance, anger.

Without going into the why, because there could be a million reasons why (i.e., somatics, energy, the phase of the moon, a woman’s cycle, etc.), what I do know is that I began to sit with the emotions.

In my waking state I took time to be in silence, to just breathe, and to be in awareness.

My key takeaway is this:

  • It happened
  • Listen to what you feel
  • Feel it
  • Will I personalize it?
  • Or will I walk into the feeling, be with it, and practice self love?

You see there’s a million ways of going about it but it all comes down to bringing light to dark. What will you do and where will you take it? Can you let it go after you’ve had enough time to process?

So here’s to all the feels and the moments following the feels to be with them in self love, acceptance, and surrender.

Much love.

Water your Dreams 

​Don’t kill the dream by cutting down the idea with a million questions. Take it one step at a time and follow what brings you joy. We can never forecast what a seed will grow into or who we will meet along the way.