Are You Aware Of Confirmation Bias?

Did you know that in every moment you actually have the power within yourself to choose what you want to think about? In previous posts I’ve written a lot about how important it is to, yes, CHOOSE your thoughts.

Did you also know that you and the person next to you, on average, have 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day? And furthermore, did you know that 95% (some even say 98%) of those thoughts are the same exact thoughts you had yesterday?!?!?

I don’t know about you but when I first heard this fact it was astounding to me. And when I heard it the second time around it made me stop everything I was doing and truly take it in.

Something changed within me when I decided to pause and truly think about this.

Continue reading “Are You Aware Of Confirmation Bias?”

Friday Focus – 1/6/17

The new year is here already and it’s crazy to me how fast the holidays just flew by this year. The holiday lights are coming down in the neighborhood and I can feel the city settling into it’s new groove.

Over and over again this week I keep coming back to the theme of owning your own happiness.

For example, as if it were a test, yesterday I was speaking to a customer service agent and I was taken aback (almost speechless) by the cut offs, short answers, and overall tone of this person. Despite all this I decided not to wallow in anger and reminded myself that we all own our own happiness.

Sure, something not so pleasant happened. It was an event. But does it mean you have to stay angry? Continue reading “Friday Focus – 1/6/17”

Why We Get Offended and What To Do About It

If there’s one thing that makes the human relationship (no matter how light or deep) more complicated is the fact that we are fully capable of being offended – very easily I might add  😉

No matter how silly the statement, oftentimes the other person has no idea you’ve been offended! And yet, as humans we’ve grown up in a world full of walls, words, experiences, and wounds that would ultimately leave us a little bruised. It’s no wonder we keep our distance from those that have tendencies to trigger us.

While there are a variety of coping mechanisms, I’ve come to learn one particular method (or two) that helps defuse the situation rather quickly.

Continue reading “Why We Get Offended and What To Do About It”

Does Money Buy Happiness?

With money you can buy a house, but not a home.

With money you can buy a clock, but not time.

With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep.

With money you can buy a book, but not knowledge.

With money you can buy a doctor, but not good health.

With money you can buy a position, but not respect.

With money you can buy blood, but not life.

With money you can buy sex, but not love.

~Chinese proverb

Friday Focus – 11/18/16

As we go into the weekend I though it would be a nice reminder to bring full circle a recurring theme or thought that has been coming up whether through inquiries or observation. After all, Fridays are a bit more relaxed and we tend to lose focus as we go into the weekend with social commitments and errands to run 🙂

This week’s focus is: What your thoughts focus on, EXPANDS.

We talked about Momentum last week and how when we keep the momentum of any thought going it becomes harder and harder to step back from the identification of the story and to stop the feeling(s) that is now contained within the body. It begins to feel real doesn’t it?

Every time you become aware of a certain thought be cognizant of what emotion this thought is bringing. Is it bringing you anxiety? stress? worry? fear? anger? resentment? Remember, these types of emotions are low on the vibrational scale and equally as important, remember the more you think these thoughts the harder it becomes to unravel yourself from the story.

Continue reading “Friday Focus – 11/18/16”

ॐ Losing the Ego: The Awakening by Eckhart Tolle

The thoughts that go through your mind of course are linked through the collective mind of the culture you live in, the collective whole, they are not your thoughts as such but you pick them up from the collective.

You identify with thinking and the identification of thinking is ego.

Which means simply that you believe what you are thinking.

-Eckhart Tolle