
Each day we have the opportunity to start anew.

The moment you wake up to take your first – full – deep – breath just remember your slate is clean. Your mind is a vast, expansive, open canvas. This canvas is bright, immaculate, and has no edges.

Begin your prayer. Meditate. Be full of gratitude for another waking day. Honor yourself to the highest. Understand your mind and body are a temple where only the highest of thoughts should live.

Abraham Hicks speaks of momentum. The moment you have a lower vibrational thought, and the moment you keep feeding this thought is the beginning of momentum. Once this begins it gets harder and harder to get back to higher frequency.

And vice versa! Upon waking linger on the clean slate. Linger on the GRATITUDE. Linger on feeling the positive emotions and thoughts. Keep this momentum going.

So, I’m curious… what are some positive thoughts and/or emotions you focus on to keep the momentum going? 🙂

ॐ Losing the Ego: The Awakening by Eckhart Tolle

The thoughts that go through your mind of course are linked through the collective mind of the culture you live in, the collective whole, they are not your thoughts as such but you pick them up from the collective.

You identify with thinking and the identification of thinking is ego.

Which means simply that you believe what you are thinking.

-Eckhart Tolle




So often we forget how powerful our human brains are. In every moment it is working to analyze, compare, weigh every option, our next move, all while thinking 5 steps ahead figuring out what our next meal should be!

In every single moment it is thinking – SOMETHING.

How often is it that we choose to fill our brains with complex scenarios related to work, relationship, health, or the future?

Continue reading “CHOICE”