Friday Focus – 2/9/18 {Hits Of Inspiration}

Did you know that inspiration comes to us all the time in a multitude of ways? Unfortunately, we’re too busy thinking to recognize the subtle hits of inspiration!

For example, how many times have you thought of an tantalizing idea while taking a shower, only to forget it once you’ve put on your clothes? Or, how about when you’re driving to your destination but just as soon as you turn off the ignition you’ve already forgotten what it was?

You see, we’re too busy thinking all the time. We allow ourselves to get caught up in the current of the few rotating movies we have in our minds eye; and when we’re too busy being involved with the movie, it’s no surprise we forget or even notice when creative solutions to our problems or future arise.

The key here is to notice

Notice the subtleties. The small quiet voice. The thought before the thought. The flash of a picture or symbol in your mind’s eye before you move on to the same ol’ thought or problem.

The second key here is to write them down.

The more you write down the subtleties the more you understand how and when inspiration hits you. In addition, you’ll begin to differentiate between normal thinking and unconscious, creative thinking.

This is a routine practice for me and I’ve come to appreciate and find joy each and every time I notice these hits of inspiration. Oftentimes they provide insight or a pathway to a part of my life whether it’s a relationship, creative endeavor, travel, career, you name it!

I’m curious, how do you find your hits of inspiration? Do you notice a recurring theme or pattern in your day to day life as to where or how this inspiration finds you?

In wellness,


Photo by on Unsplash

The Power Of Choice – Choosing Your Outcome

Neural pathways. It makes me sigh with how powerful, wonderful, and amazing our brains truly are.

Did you know that most of our actions, emotions, and even reactions are all due to our neural pathways?

It’s why we feel a certain way most of the time. Whether it’s the moment you wake up, the route you take to work every day, how you converse with strangers, how you react in a fight, your natural food choices, etc.

It’s our brain’s way of making things easy for us.

You see, after we’ve settled on a core belief, our neural pathways do the rest of the work! Things become automatic because it’s efficient. It works.

However, what if you wanted a higher outcome? What if suddenly what has worked for you in the past doesn’t serve your higher good anymore?

This is where the power of choice comes in.

Oftentimes we think a certain situation presented itself in such a way the action was inevitable. But no, we have a CHOICE to go the other way; we have a CHOICE to stop and think about what it is we really want. How liberating is that?

It’s the understanding that most of our habitual thoughts and actions comes from a finely grooved neural pathway. It’s in knowing that now there is a choice to begin forming a NEW neural pathway.

The practice now is in the noticing. It’s in the moment right before reacting, the thought, the urge. It’s providing space for that moment to truly feel into what it is you want.

With mindful re-patterning there is a way toward higher choices. Over time you will find it easier to be habituated toward what was once “new” to you.

May we honor this time, the power of our thoughts, and be mindful of our own power to choose the very outcome we wish for.

In wellness,


Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Our Finest Moments

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by a discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our butts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”

~M. Scott Peck

In wellness,


Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Starting With Inquiry

I wanted to talk today about the power of inquiry.

Have you ever noticed that when you begin with inquiry people pay attention? And when this inquiry is self directed, you begin to pay attention as well?

Typical statements, commentary, and self talk is, well, just that – typical. It’s expected and it’s on auto pilot. So much so that it becomes habituated. Even the responses become habituated!

But when we start by inquiring, “the beginner’s mind”, as it is known in Zen Buddhist traditions, we are met with qualities such as awe, curiosity, and wonder. And this positive resonance has a deep impact in how we approach the very thing we are dealing with, whether in the outside world or our very own inside world.

Inquiry allows for possibility.

To inquire means there is a curiosity in getting to know something or someone. It means you are open to learning. And this is beautiful.

When we approach with inquiry we are more open than ever. We begin to see things we never would have seen. We begin to feel things we never would have felt.

As an experiment, try it today! Whether it is with a difficult emotion you are encountering or headed into work and seeing old & new co-workers, start with inquiry. See what comes up before your brain goes on auto-pilot. Ask yourself:

  • What’s new here?
  • Why am I feeling this way?
  • Why am I thinking this way?
  • What can I learn from this?
  • Is there anything else I can learn from this?
  • With assumption X, can I know this to be absolutely true? (ref, Byron Katie)

And watch what happens. Observe the response, and even in the response inquire even more.

You see, when we inquire we not only allow for possibilities and higher resonating qualities within us, we are, as a byproduct, being mindful of what is in front of us as well as what actually arises.

Here’s to a bit more inquiry in our lives and seeing what newness unfolds.

In wellness,


Photo by Cody Davis on Unsplash


Friday Focus – 1/19/18 {The Photographer’s Lens}

Photography is very big in my life. I love capturing the beautiful soul I see during portrait sessions, and particularly love the special family moments, the in between as I like to call it, during family sessions. While I don’t do nearly as many sessions as I used to years ago, I still love it when old clients ask for updated photos.

Earlier this week I was noticing how, as humans, it’s incredibly easy to focus on the minutiae. Our focus tends to be on ONE thing, and when I say ONE thing, it’s hyper focused on that subject and moves on to the next when we feel like we’ve resolved (aka controlled) it in some way or another.

And I thought to myself, what if we zoomed out?

How much of this precious life, this day, this landscape are we missing by zooming in? What if we took a step back (for those of you that are used to primes) and saw the bigger picture? Just how much meaning of the bigger picture does this “one” thing end up having?

Oftentimes we forget. We forget how much grandeur, mystery, beauty, and synchronicity there is to life.

We forget just how much beauty there is everywhere, including our own selves.

Can we zoom out today? And begin to appreciate the bigger picture? What other beautiful mysteries might we be missing?

I hope we find out.

In wellness,


Photo by Alvaro Araujo Alcalde on Unsplash

The Placebo Effect & The Power Of The Mind

Placebos. Do you believe them?

Regardless of the validity of placebos, this post on the New York Times shed some incredible light on the power of the mind. And it made me think and affirm, truly how powerful is our mind?

This is how powerful: we can see a different reality just by changing our emotional state. Have you ever felt depressed or downright angry, then you hear good news and suddenly it’s as if you couldn’t remember why or how such a thing could have caused you to be so depressed or angry?

Our minds are powerful. Beliefs are powerful.

Placebos aside, the general idea around what you choose to believe in (therefore allowing yourself to feel good or bad depending on choice) is certainly something to inquire.

I’ve written on this before and have seen it come down to this time and time again – if our actions and reactions are like branches of a tree, then our core beliefs running the direction of these branches are the roots of the tree. What underlying, fundamental beliefs about you and your life are running the show on an unconscious level?

The beauty in all this is choice. After awareness, reconciliation, and practice, we have the choice to build a better life. And guess what? We’re beautiful humans, so this means we have the rest of our lives to constantly grow and shine brighter each and every day.

After all, it’s the journey right?

In wellness,


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Between Breaths

there are times

when we stop.

we sit still…

we listen



from a whole

other world…

begin to whisper.

~james carroll

In wellness,


Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash

You Are More Than A Label

It’s interesting how our whole world is into categorization. For example:

  • Man/Woman
  • Parent/Non-Parent
  • Expatriate/Local
  • Religious/Atheist
  • Job (and which job is huge)
  • Single/Taken
  • And the list can go on forever…

Hey, I get it, somewhere in our brains we need categorization so we can put this new data in the archives and go about our lives. But somewhere along the lines we got too involved in the story of all these labels – with others and ourselves.

We began to identify too closely with the so called meaning behind what it means to be X.

But who are you really and what does X matter?

Does X make you a better, happier person?

If being a doctor meant you would have success and happiness everyone would be a doctor. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. It doesn’t mean there aren’t successful and happy doctors but the truth of the matter is, it’s what’s INSIDE that makes you who truly you are and everything else is subjective – it’s someone’s personal experience and opinion on X and IT’S ALL DIFFERENT depending on who you talk to.

Regardless of the label and it’s seemingly endless meanings given by any one person, only YOU control what you ultimately feel on the INSIDE. No one can go inside and make you feel or not feel anything.

So for a moment pause and reflect. Ask yourself this question, “Who am I without X label(s)?”.

Perhaps it’s the first time you seriously asked or contemplated this question. The answer may come right away or it may come over several days – the form doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you started to inquire within and are taking one step closer to understanding your deeper, truer self.

And trust me, even if you’re well seasoned in your awareness of labels it’s always a good opportunity to reflect on the question above. After all, we’re all human 🙂

In wellness,


Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Your True Light

“Only the light within us is real. We are not afraid of the dark without ourselves, so much as we are afraid of the light. The dark is familiar. It’s what we know. The light, the thought that we might indeed be good enough, is such a thread to the ego that it takes out its very big guns to defend against it. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…”

~Marianne Williamson

In wellness,


Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/29/18 {YOU Are Your Own Best Guide}

I had an idea of what I wanted to share today; it was going to be about the New Year, and I decided to scrap it at the last minute because something else was calling me to write about a very powerful message.

You see, sometimes we need to seek answers and that is completely OK. We need to go through different teachers whether it be yoga teachers, therapists, astrologers, psychics, chiropractors, life coaches, massage therapists, etc. to obtain the information we need at that time in order to grow and move on.

The beautiful thing is we begin to learn what works for us. Does touch work as a healing modality? Perhaps talking things out without the other person’s judgement is a form of release. Or maybe specific movement patterns such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Yoga seems to alleviate emotional and physical pain vs. the typical bootcamp or hard core spin class. Maybe typical meditation doesn’t work for you right now. Or you discover that talking to your best friend is the best therapy, and it’s free!

As we learn to intuitively feel into what we need, we begin to learn what works for us (and mind you that always changes as well!).

However, almost always there comes a time when we reach a point of the constant search. Soon, we forget what we truly needed in the first place. Perhaps we got what we needed and quickly developed a new need. Or maybe you are searching for a specific answer but you haven’t received it just yet.

Regardless of the root cause, if you find yourself ridden with anxiety in a constant search for X, I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath and pause.

No matter what you hear out there or what you learn from your guru, we are all human at the end of the day. I mean, can we really know all the answers? Is there only one answer? Aren’t we changing all the time, in every moment as well? Plus, there are new discoveries made in the spiritual and scientific realms every. single. day! There’s no way anyone can come to learn everything in this moment – possibly ever!

So what can we do?

Listen to the small, still voice inside of YOU.

Remember, no one has every answer, and no one is YOU. Only you know for yourself what truly clicks and what doesn’t. You are designed as uniquely as a snowflake and so is everyone else. If discoveries are being made daily, who is to say this one way is the way? Or that it even exists?

Take a deep breath and pause. Listen to your heart. Place one hand on your heart, and the other on the ground in front of you and listen for as long as you need to until you feel the strength and all knowing truth that is already within.

It’s ok to search. It’s ok to seek. We’re meant to grow, learn, and evolve. But if you’re beginning to feel anxious in hoping to discover THE answer, always remember this – the TRUTH is within.

In wellness,


Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash