The Everyday, All Day, Inspiration Journal

Lately I’ve gotten into the habit of having a journal on me at all times. I’d call it a gratitude journal but it’s more of an “inspiration” journal. Whenever I’m struck by an inspirational quote, deep thought, or moments of gratitude I’ve gotten into the habit of physically writing it down.

Prior to this I would take these notes down in Evernote, or for the quick and easy every day reminders I would write them down on my phone’s notepad.

However, I find that physically writing things down brings me one level deeper to the quietness of the moment sans the neurosis of ensuring I have things categorically noted in Evernote… yes, I can be a bit type-A 😉

A few randoms from the journal…

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Friday Focus – 1/6/17

The new year is here already and it’s crazy to me how fast the holidays just flew by this year. The holiday lights are coming down in the neighborhood and I can feel the city settling into it’s new groove.

Over and over again this week I keep coming back to the theme of owning your own happiness.

For example, as if it were a test, yesterday I was speaking to a customer service agent and I was taken aback (almost speechless) by the cut offs, short answers, and overall tone of this person. Despite all this I decided not to wallow in anger and reminded myself that we all own our own happiness.

Sure, something not so pleasant happened. It was an event. But does it mean you have to stay angry? Continue reading “Friday Focus – 1/6/17”

Happy This Year

I came across this book unexpectedly. To be honest when I saw the front cover of the book and read the title I didn’t think it was a book I’d be able to relate to. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to work on your happiness but it just all looked… so cheezy… 😉

And then I picked it up anyway and flipped through the pages. I was hooked. It was simple to understand, there were personal stories that as a reader I could relate to, and the way in which Will Bowen explained the principles made it that much easier to really take in and apply it to my life immediately!

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Why We Get Offended and What To Do About It

If there’s one thing that makes the human relationship (no matter how light or deep) more complicated is the fact that we are fully capable of being offended – very easily I might add  😉

No matter how silly the statement, oftentimes the other person has no idea you’ve been offended! And yet, as humans we’ve grown up in a world full of walls, words, experiences, and wounds that would ultimately leave us a little bruised. It’s no wonder we keep our distance from those that have tendencies to trigger us.

While there are a variety of coping mechanisms, I’ve come to learn one particular method (or two) that helps defuse the situation rather quickly.

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Does Money Buy Happiness?

With money you can buy a house, but not a home.

With money you can buy a clock, but not time.

With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep.

With money you can buy a book, but not knowledge.

With money you can buy a doctor, but not good health.

With money you can buy a position, but not respect.

With money you can buy blood, but not life.

With money you can buy sex, but not love.

~Chinese proverb

Series on adrenal fatigue

How I Recovered from Adrenal Fatigue Pt. 3

In the last post on Adrenal Fatigue I shared some of the tools and tactics that helped me to overcome adrenal fatigue.

If I look back now it was almost a two year journey to heal all the wounds that likely led to having adrenal fatigue in the first place.

Yesterday’s post inspired me to write the third installment on how I overcame adrenal fatigue. Why? Because the theme in yesterday’s post was the exact mental model I needed during my journey for complete healing.

In the beginning stages of adrenal fatigue I was a mess. Yet I had hope. And it was this hope along with my driven type A personality that created a complete plan toward the road to health and wellness.

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Letting Go of Form When It Comes to Expectations

This is probably one of the hardest lessons when it comes to the human mind… Often times when we have a desire for a certain outcome whether it be a job, weight on the scale, soulmate, car, whatever it may be… our minds have a way of knowing EXACTLY what we want and if not exact, it knows to be disappointed or elated (more disappointed than not) once you’ve reached a certain point in time.

I am often humbled and embarrassed when I remember the times I was so determined to make something work, only to have, what seemed at the time, the door shut in my face so fast and so hard I could have felt the physicality of it. Oh yes, anyone ever had that moment?

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Why Rest is So Important

When you are tired, physically and or emotionally, the best thing you can do for yourself is to just be. Be tired! Let your bones feel the weight you carry mentally all day long.

Often times when we are tired we brush it off as weakness. Some of the chatter that may be going on in our heads is, “Ugh, I didn’t even do that much but I am so tired! What did I eat that is making me feel as if I have no energy? Am I feeling tired because I didn’t work out enough this last week? Why isn’t my body keeping up? Is something wrong with me?!”

Whew, I feel like I had a flashback moment. To be honest this is a lot of the type of analysis I would have done in the past, and admittedly sometimes creeps in insidiously from time to time, which is why meditation can be helpful for combating old habits.

Why is it that we automatically assume we didn’t do enough or that there must be something wrong with ourselves that we feel so tired? Where does true and actual rest come into play?

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