Seattle Stress Management Coach, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout

Feeling Breakable

If you’re a human being then most likely there have been times in your life when you resisted certain situations, people, or events in your life because of one thing – feeling breakable.

What does it mean to feel breakable?

To most, this means the thought of enduring, or experiencing, a specific event causes you to avoid the event, person, or thing in order to not feel the future discomfort of feeling an unwanted emotion.

Perhaps for you it’s as simple as not attending a reunion.

Or how about finding an intimate relationship?

And it can be as small as avoiding public speaking at work.

Whatever it may be for you, I invite you to take some time now to write out a list of all the future events or milestones you haven’t achieved yet because of this fear of feeling breakable.

Susan Choi Wellness (1)

Now that you know specifically what those situations are, I want you to take a hard look at them.

Notice how the discomfort of how you feel now is not any different from the future presupposed discomfort of what you think you will feel then.

The truth is, you are dissatisfied either way.

The only reason why you are so afraid of taking action on those things is because you believe, somewhere in your subconscious mind, that you are incapable of being able to handle it.

But is that the truth?

Let me put it this way.

Is that the truth you WANT to believe?

Because if you desire to believe it to be another way…. go get help now.

And if you don’t want to get help, the fastest way to jump through this illusion is to understand the only thing in your way of getting what you want, is an EMOTION.

Really think about that.

You believing you are emotionally breakable is because of what you think an emotion will do to you.

But what WILL happen to you?

That’s the other thing I see many people do, is they never follow through on the thought.

They create a mental picture of what this emotion will do to them in that moment, and never finish the story.

So what will happen?

Will you cry?


Bury yourself under the sheets?

You won’t die that’s for sure.

So what was it for you when you finished your story?

I’ll bet it wasn’t as scary as you thought it was huh?

Because here’s the thing….

You will never get what you want, if you don’t take one small step toward evolving yourself to the next level.

Whether it’s seeking help, doing one small, brave thing each day, or biting the bullet and going after what it is you really want… you must take ACTION.

So, what will you do now?

Now that you know an emotion is what is between you and what you desire… what now?

Go do it.

In wellness,


emotional management coach, adrenal fatigue and burnout coach

It’s OK To Be Sad

How long should you feel sad?

Too many times I see people outsmarting their way out of sadness.

Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach, Emotional Management Coach

They understand they don’t “need” to feel sad but their bodies are saying, “yes, you do”.

And that’s where the argument begins.

When your body isn’t aligned with what you think, suddenly there’s resistance.

And what does resistance bring?

Suffering. Unnecessary stress.

While there comes a point where we begin to indulge in apathy and should look toward the future, without properly processing emotions and thoughts you will only continue to bring the past into the present.

So what needs to happen?

Feel it. All of it.

Let every tear roll…

Let the ache in your throat and heart expand.

And listen.

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Need more comfort?

A day off?

More tea?

More…. love?

Only you have the answer within, but how will you ever know if you don’t stop to listen?

So if you’re going through a rough patch… no matter how big or small…

… give yourself some grace.

Love yourself a little harder,

because it’s all going to be just fine.

You are already just fine.

In wellness,



Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

Taking A Break

Maybe it’s the transition to the holidays, the hour we gained, or simply “end of year” syndrome… and you’re thinking about that long needed alone time. Perhaps a week or long weekend where you do absolutely nothing. Possibly escape to the woods… go on a spa date with just yourself and a good book. But how hard are you on yourself when it comes to taking that much needed break? Do you feel guilty, shame, or anxiety even around taking a break?

Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

So many people feel that if they miss the notifications, whether from email, text, direct message, social media, or facebook groups, they are missing out on something important.

But if all those things were “important” then where does your sanity rank on the totem pole? Or how about your health, or time with loved ones? Or heck, time alone to truly find your center?

I’ve seen too many people push away the most important thing they need to actually start feeling better, and that’s this – TIME.

And this is where YOU get creative because here’s the thing….

Some people need alone time.

Some people need time with loved ones.

Some people need time to simply PLAY.

Some people need time to meditate through baking, golfing, reading, etc.

Some people need time to organize their life.

But only you know what’s best for YOU.

So if you know deep down you need the time… the break…

Take it.

Don’t let another week or month go by where you push and strain to make it until the weekend.

When you push too hard that’s when you reach burnout or god forbid adrenal fatigue; that’s when other issues start to realize themselves into an overeating or overdrinking problem.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Taking the break is an investment and you will reap the benefits ten-fold when you take it at the right time.

In wellness,




Seattle Stress Management Coach

What To Do When You Feel Massive Resistance

We all have massive resistance to what pushes our buttons… especially when it comes to those hard emotions.

Today, I’m sharing a little story and what to do when this comes up.

In wellness,


Following The Emotional Breadcrumb

Oftentimes it’s easy to run away from our emotions. In this day and age, it’s almost too easy to numb out.

Whether that’s picking up the phone and checking Instagram or Facebook, reaching for the bag of chips, or turning on Netflix and binge watch a whole season of GOT. The options are a many.

And while it may seem scary to actually face the demons, sometimes that’s exactly what we have to do in order to see what’s really under the covers.

Remember when you were a little kid and you ran into your parent’s bedroom saying you couldn’t sleep because there was a monster under the bed, or maybe in the closet? Then your parents (or heck, maybe you even did it yourself!) would walk you back into the room and lift the covers or open the closet? There was nothing there and you faced your demons, the so called monster.

Facing our emotions takes work, but it’s the work we must do in order to integrate ourselves fully.

When we turn toward our emotions and follow the breadcrumbs of this feeling and that feeling, we begin peeling the layers of the onion and truly understanding ourselves on a deeper level. We may discover the true reason for our emotion was actually something completely different than the situation itself! We may even discover a limiting belief causing such pain on an conscious level.

Can we trust and love ourselves during this time? Can we maybe turn side ways the first time and gently feel into it so that next time we can turn the whole way into the depths of our emotions?

And no matter the answer – may we trust and love, just a little more, where we are in this moment.

In wellness,


Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Take The Time: Watch It Come And Go

I’ve been really meditating on yesterday’s post, Watch It Come And Go. I find that it’s a lot easier when you’re in ‘total’ alignment or when everything is humming along smoothly in life. But how about when it is really put to the test!?

  • When your routine is thrown off
  • When there’s a crisis at work
  • Or how about when your flight is delayed 6 hours?!

You see, over the holiday weekend I took a long road trip from San Francisco to Seattle and so the body is a bit more tired and same goes with the mind as well. I had all the feels, from relief that I finally have everything in one place to urgency around organization and completion (of letting the physical things go).

As the feels came and went I took a moment to watch it come and go. I took a moment to watch the reaction, be with the emotions, be curious about what was going on… and then I watched one emotion come and go, and another emotion do the same.

I practiced this pretty much all day yesterday and it took me a day to write this as I was doing more the practicing and observing than the writing 😉

So what about you? What tends to throw you off and what have you noticed coming up for yourself?

In wellness.
