Energy Building vs. Energy Wasting

When we think about every thought and every action, and distill them down to the essence of what they are, they always stem from two things: Love or Fear.

In other words, energy building or energy wasting.

From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep every little thing throughout the day is either energy building or energy wasting. The thoughts, the decisions, the actions, the foods, the intentions, literally everything stems from these two.

A Course in Miracles states, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”

When we look at it from this perspective we can see how we waste our energy when we act or think based on an unreal “reality”. When we act from fear or lack, we are essentially believing in something that doesn’t truly exist, and therefore leak energy trying to chase or prevent some thing out of fear.

How much more enriching, simple, and true can life be when we act from Love? It feels lighter doesn’t it, when we act from gratitude, service, joy, and abundance knowing this is our truest reality?

Suddenly when we shift our perspective everything we do becomes energy building.

It’s incredible just how this tiny shift can change our energetic capacity.

So tell me, how does life feel to you when you are in the mode of energy building? What do you feel in your body? How does life look to you? What does your voice sound like? How does food taste in this state?

Here’s to recognizing the opportunities to build more energy into our lives.

In wellness,


Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/22/17 {Thoughts As Creation & Being Guided}

It’s about that time…. I can just feel the energy in the air as people are busily getting ready for Christmas. The last minute gift shopping, picking up dessert for Eve’s dinner, and so much laughter everywhere!

This week’s Friday Focus is going to be a bit random, but oh so important. There are two ideas that stood out for me over the course of this past week and I’ll dive right into them:

  1. Your thoughts as creation. According to the first Law of Thermodynamics, the energy of our Universe can neither be created or destroyed, but can manipulate its form (i.e., water to ice, fire as heat, etc.). So how does this relate to our thoughts? If even our thoughts are considered as energy then we have a direct correlation to patterns and behaviors (manipulated energy form) that have culminated in the past few years to lead us to where we are today. Pretty powerful isn’t it? Our thoughts have brought us to exactly where we are today! Whether that is good or bad is beyond the point, the point is we have the power of today to direct our thoughts toward a future we want. So tell me, what is it that you want?
  2. Being guided. Have you ever felt a nudge, an inquiry even, about a particular “thing” but never followed through on it until a later time only to realize it was exactly what you needed? Whether it was to apply to that company, pick up that book, call that acupuncturist, etc.? I call that guidance. Whether it’s from outside influences, your subconscious, your higher self, God, you name it… your guidance system is showing you the way at all times, and how wonderfully comforting is that? Now if only we can get quiet enough to hear the call… 🙂

Pretty epic am I right? Now to flip the switch – what recurring themes or ideas stood out for you this week? I’ve found that since starting Friday Focus it’s been a wonderful way to recap big themes and close out the week. I’d love to hear if there’s been anything on your mind in particular!

With that said, have a wonderful, long, joyous weekend leading up to Christmas. May you be filled with immense joy, peace, and love no matter who you are with and where you are in the world.

In cheer,


Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Understanding and Honoring Your Energy

In the last post I mentioned starting a new project, and with starting any new project I dive in 100%. The excitement and working with people I love is what drives me.

However, the twist to this was that it requires 60% travel along the west coast.

Now, I haven’t traveled this much in years and what I’ve realized is that there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed! That’s an understatement of the year 😉

What’s changed this year compared to years prior is that I have a deep relationship with my body and my energy, and I know when I’m reaching my limit.

Continue reading “Understanding and Honoring Your Energy”