Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach, Seattle Executive Coaching

When Things Don’t Go Your Way

What do YOU do when things don’t go your way?

Do you go inside your cave?

Throw a pity party?

Netflix & pizza?

Call a friend and head to the wine bar?

Notice how all of these options, don’t actually GIVE you real options to move you forward in life.

So what are you to do?

Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach, Seattle Stress Management Coach

What WILL give you real options to move the needle forward?


Yes, that’s right….


Your thinking is what’s causing you to netflix, wine, overeat, or god forbid do something you might regret (like firing off that email, or texting your friend).

Is what you’re thinking about really helping you?

What thoughts are you having about what happened?

Notice how negative and not serving they are.

What can you think instead?

If you were truly taking the seat of being the director of your life…

Would you really be thinking those thoughts?

Once you realize you are the one in control of your own destiny you suddenly start to get really serious about what you think about. About what you say inside your head.

Because what you think about leads you to feel a certain way… and when you feel a certain way you ACT a certain way.

Repeat that a couple of times and are you that surprised at where you are today? Where you’ll be a year from now?

So the next time something doesn’t go your way….


Stop thinking thoughts that don’t serve you, and start thinking in a way that will actually get you REAL results.

In wellness,



Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach, Seattle Executive Coach

How To Stand Your Ground And Have Your BACK

Do you have your own back in every situation?

No matter WHO you’re with or surrounded by?

Do you stand by your word and not budge? Not even a little?

This live video shares how I stood my own ground NO MATTER WHAT, and how having your own back builds confidence and commitment.

Think to yourself, how do you want to act, behave, and what would you say in your specific situation?

Plan ahead and commit.

In wellness,



emotional management coach, adrenal fatigue and burnout coach

It’s OK To Be Sad

How long should you feel sad?

Too many times I see people outsmarting their way out of sadness.

Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach, Emotional Management Coach

They understand they don’t “need” to feel sad but their bodies are saying, “yes, you do”.

And that’s where the argument begins.

When your body isn’t aligned with what you think, suddenly there’s resistance.

And what does resistance bring?

Suffering. Unnecessary stress.

While there comes a point where we begin to indulge in apathy and should look toward the future, without properly processing emotions and thoughts you will only continue to bring the past into the present.

So what needs to happen?

Feel it. All of it.

Let every tear roll…

Let the ache in your throat and heart expand.

And listen.

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Need more comfort?

A day off?

More tea?

More…. love?

Only you have the answer within, but how will you ever know if you don’t stop to listen?

So if you’re going through a rough patch… no matter how big or small…

… give yourself some grace.

Love yourself a little harder,

because it’s all going to be just fine.

You are already just fine.

In wellness,



Seattle Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

About Failure…

Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Understand what failure means in your belief systems… and then you can actually overcome it.


In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management Coach, Mindset, Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout Coach

How To Maintain A High Performance Mindset

So you have all the tools and the know how to a high performance mindset…

… but how do you maintain it?

How do athletes maintain peak performance?

How do speakers remain top paid speakers?

How do the likes of Sheryl Sandberg and Elon Musk stay on top of their game?

Watch this video to find out.

The answer is always simple, but is it easy? Depends on your mindset 😉

In wellness,
