Seattle Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue Coach

The Seasons In Our Life

Oftentimes in our life we wonder what went wrong to be in a “barren” cycle of our life. But what if there was a gift through it all?

Watch this recent live as I share this one question you can ask yourself to begin creating more space in your life during this crucial season in your life.

In wellness,


Our Finest Moments

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by a discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our butts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”

~M. Scott Peck

In wellness,


Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

There Is No Order Of Difficulty In Miracles

“There is no order of difficulty in miracles.”

~A Course In Miracles

This post will be short but hopefully it’s importance and truth will impact you nonetheless.

Have you ever felt a miracle? Felt or seen a complete 180 and wondered how did that happen? Perhaps you were witness to a miracles by a family member, friend or co-worker. Or perhaps you know deep down that you’ve experienced a miracle before in your life but have lost faith in miracles appearing in other areas of your life.

A Course In  Miracles says there is no order of difficulties in miracles. So how can we believe in miracles but not have faith in one specific area(s) of our lives? Remember, the mind cannot believe in both, it only believes in one.

Which belief is running dominance in your life today? The one of miracles or the one of fear?

Take careful inventory of where you have doubt, worry, and fear in your life. Write it down, burn it, and declare faith in miracles and surrender all outcome. When has doubt, worry, and fear every worked? If you look back in your life wasn’t in complete surrender and blind faith when new doors opened or things magically worked out?

This post may be slightly different than the NLP based posts but the one thought of having a split mind (believing in both fear and miracles, which doesn’t exist by the way) struck me so hard this morning I needed to share and remind – If you’ve ever believed in miracles then you know it to be true in ALL areas of your life. 

What miracle are you waiting for?

In miracles,


Friday Focus – 11/17/17 {What Does Faith Look Like?}

While earlier this week the 15 day forecast showed nothing but overcast skies and rain, the weather today unexpectedly turned out to be BEAUTIFUL today! I found myself appreciating the radiant hues of the sky as I watched the earth turn from dark to light this morning… I also love how my plans today have completely changed from working out indoors to making plans to walk Green Lake in order to take advantage of this small blessing. After all, it’s the little things right?

So for this week’s Friday Focus I decided to write about faith. I’ve gotten a few questions this week that relate to assurance about the future, how to deal with stress in the present, or even not knowing what to do and feeling a bit frustrated.

While the specific answer will vary from person to person I thought I’d post a set of powerful questions that come down to faith. (Bonus: related reading to previous posts on control such as this one.)

Taking the time to truly reflect on your responses below will allow you to have a better idea of what faith looks like to you. Especially during the times when we feel the need to control the situation. Ready?

Powerful Questions on Faith

  • What does it mean to have faith?
  • How does faith feel like when you are certain of it in your life?
  • How is it reflected in your voice when you know you have faith?
  • What does your body feel when you are in complete faith?
  • How do your actions change based on faith?
  • When you know you have faith, do you feel a shift in your overall mindset? How does the world look now?

If you’ve ever questioned whether or not you truly have faith in certain situations answering these questions will allow you to have a deeper sense of your truth. You may realize logically in your brain you know you need faith, but also quickly realize your body and actions don’t reflect the full ownership of this faith.

Take the time to truly listen. Once you’ve identified what faith looks like to you (because it looks and feels different for everyone) you can work to embody these details for a more faith-ful life.

Here’s to cultivating faith, especially in times when we need it most.

In wellness,


Uncertainty Over Certainty

I was driving to one of my favorite parks yesterday when a major theme struck me: why uncertainty is a far better approach than certainty.

Don’t get me wrong, there are moments where a bit of strategy is important (like what to pack for your 5 day hiking trip, or how about making sure you do your due diligence before buying the house of your dreams?), but for the majority of our day our brains are caught up in trying to ensure certainty in EVERY moment. And that can be tiring as hell!

Not only is this tiring our minds but it’s tiring our souls. It’s not allowing for rest. When we rest we are allowing the right side of our brain to be in FLOW with our deeper selves and Mother Nature; we are allowing space for something much bigger than we possibly could have imagined.

So why not lean in? Trust the flow. Surrender. Allow yourself to let go of the worries and thoughts that actually control YOU.

Notice how much lighter you feel. How there’s space for possibility. How suddenly you aren’t filled with fear and what if’s; instead, you’re noticing your breath and how wonderful this moment really is.

Try it out. Trust me. Lean into uncertainty and remember this: you are ok and will always be ok.



Friday Focus – 12/30/16

Well, this is it; last Friday of the year, last post of the year, last two days of the year. Where did the year go? While the last few days in particular have been hectic wrapping up the end of 2016, I am so blessed and in deep gratitude my family all decided to gather, here in Seattle, to spend some quality time with one another.

As I sit here writing this my belly is full from a gluten-free pizza (made from scratch thanks to ATK!) we devoured after a full day of running errands, cleaning the house, and getting things in order for 2017.

Oh, and I guess I squeezed in another bake session with these amazing gluten-free chocolate chip cookies…

Continue reading “Friday Focus – 12/30/16”