This Is Supposed To Happen

Oftentimes our immediate reaction to something uncomfortable is to get as far as away as we can. However, what we don’t realize is what we avoid doesn’t dissolve, it stays exactly where it is until we come across it again or rather, it appears in a different shape or form so that we may learn the lesson.

What if instead we approached the discomfort with a knowing instead? Perhaps we may not know the answer or the why in the beginning, but what if we approached our deeper self with a wink and an, “ah- this is supposed to happen isn’t it?“.

What if there was an reason for what is happening? Whether it’s the current astrological conditions or physiological patterns of your body (i.e., hormones anyone?) there could be a billion reasons as to why you are feeling the way you’re feeling! And the conclusion shouldn’t be, “what’s wrong with me?!”.

Because trust me, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Hindsight is everything and if you’re anything like me, you’ll quickly realize there was a reason for every little thing you may have questioned.

So why not greet the discomfort with a thank you from your future self?

Here’s to trusting the flow and giving our best to each and every moment.

In wellness,


Photo by Lisa Verena Pape on Unsplash

Meaning vs. Flow

“Oftentimes we try to make sense of something or give too much meaning to what we are solutioning. The problem lies not in our intention but the day to day THINKING or ACTION. 

With intention comes vision, and from there we should go with the flow of life. The answer lies here.

God, the pulse of life, all but want that alignment of our mind, body, and soul. And how can that happen other than to vibrate at the highest level and by living in the present moment?

So stop trying to make sense. Stop trying to give so much meaning to what you are doing. By doing this you are actual demeaning the very intention of your acts.”

-from a recent freehand journal entry
