Friday Focus – 3/16/18 {It’s All About Appreciation}

This week’s Friday Focus is all about appreciation.

Perhaps it’s a sign of Spring, but these past two weeks have been particularly hectic. As if a budding flower is feeling the sudden heat of the sun, I felt a surge of chaotic energy that felt both good and tiring. And as the bud becomes the flower, basking in the sun, I am now feeling that sweet release and contentment as I gear up for international travels.

Which brings me to appreciation.

Throughout the hectic moments in our lives it can be incredibly easy to forget our true nature. We can get caught up in the small stresses and obstacles that come up. We begin to stare at our to do list or our calendar and begin to wonder, “how is this all going to get done?” or “when will this ever end?”.

That’s when I turn everything around to appreciation.

I begin to appreciate every little thing in my life. From the blankets that keep me warm as I turn to bed to the transportation I am riding to get to my next destination. I begin to truly give thanks and amplify what is already in my life.

And when I do this, suddenly the task at hand doesn’t seem so big. I begin to realize everything is happening for me.

When you can appreciate everything in your life now, then you can appreciate everything that comes. The fear or anxiety that suffocates you in the moments of chaos falls away too, instead of following you to the next thing.

Appreciation is a powerful and real energetic quality we should all invite into our lives. It changes your perspective. It raises you up. It brings you to the truth, your light, your true reality.

May we invite more appreciation into our daily lives and in each and every moment, and watch how our life magically unfolds.

In wellness,


Photo by Ludovic Gauthier on Unsplash

When You’re Lost In The Knowing

Whether you’ve been dabbling in the field of personal development for a while or whether you’re new, it becomes incredibly empowering to learn new techniques and frameworks to help make sense of ourselves and our lives. And when we practice these techniques and frameworks, our lives literally can make a 180 degree turn. How amazing is that?

However, there will come a time, possibly many, where given the knowledge and resources we have we may feel we already know the answer, yet, we don’t see a shift in the situation or our emotions.

This is when we, as I like to call it, get lost in the knowing.

Suddenly we’ve become involved in our own story. We’re so deep into wearing the detective hat, that we’ve lost our way in the vortex of our very own knowing.

Ironic isn’t it?

When this happens, I always invite myself and others to ask, “What can I learn here? What is this situation teaching me?”. Or as Matt Khan so passionately says about any situation, “Thank you for teaching me.”

When we step out of the control and into surrender, there is grace; there is self compassion. And suddenly we ease into the situation as opposed to trying to conquer the situation. Quite different isn’t it? 😉

No matter what you’re going through, just remember… this grace is precious, and it’s in each and every one of us.


In wellness,


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/8/17 {Cherishing The Moments}

Seattle has been absolutely gorgeous this past week, and I hear it’s going to stay this way until next week. This makes my heart skip a beat. If you’ve ever spent a non-rainy day in Seattle you know very well what this might feel like. The fresh, crisp, cool air, the warmth of the sun on your face, clear blue skies, outlined by the evergreens and the cascades everywhere you look. It’s pretty much perfection! Don’t get me wrong, the rainy days can be just as cozy… but as they say you can’t take the sun out of the girl. 😉

Lately, I’ve been cherishing every moment. Finding the good in every moment. Each time I let the pup out in the morning I take a BIG gulp of fresh air. I feel the coolness of the air come into my throat, down my lungs, all the way through to the back of my heart. Then I open my eyes and stare up at the huge evergreen in my backyard and thank God for this moment. I end this small moment in time by standing in awe of what is truly in front of my eyes.

What makes these days even more precious is knowing that these are the last few days of 2017!

I don’t know about you guys but I am all about making each and every moment count; which by the way reminds me of a truly great article by Tim Urban who so eloquently put our time into perspective.

No matter how stressed I am, when I take a moment to truly appreciate our time I am left with immense gratitude. After all, it’s perspective, and a question we can ask ourselves right now is, what lens am I wearing today?

As we approach the end of the year things can get hectic, reallllly hectic. So for this week’s Friday Focus it’s all about cherishing the moments. How can we stay in wonder and gratitude throughout the day? What small, minute moments can we cherish and love knowing this moment is all we have right now?

Here’s to another sun filled weekend, and may we appreciate the stillness that is always present.

In wellness,


Photo by Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash

Giving Thanks

As Thanksgiving rolls around the corner I wanted to share a bit of what I am most grateful for this year. If you’ve been around the blog at all you know that I don’t reserve gratitude for just the holidays, but I do love how this Season offers a time to quietly reflect on what has unfolded the last few months and re-focus our attention on what matters most to our hearts.

How about you? How do you treat this time of year? Besides the delicious food and pumpkin spice everything that is… 😉

With that said, here’s my list of reflections:

  • I am in constant awe of the immense peace that is present when we allow things to unfold in its own timing
  • I am excited for what the future holds despite not knowing at all what to expect
  • Faith has been an ever present theme in my life and I can only hope to share and instill more of this peace by continuously sharing via this blog
  • Writing has been a gift. As much as I love hearing from you all it is just as much as a gift to myself as it is to others. It’s the gift that keeps giving!
  • I am reminded again and again what is most important in life: health, peace, and contentment
  • If we can learn to use our breath as a way to deepen our experiences and come back to the moment we have achieved a great deal
  • I am grateful for the many creative endeavors and experiences I have had this year

Most of all I am thankful for you and this blog for allowing me to connect and to share. Life is a journey and I am forever grateful for the many souls that I have met.

Wishing you a very beautiful Thanksgiving holiday filled with joy, laughter, and peace.

In wellness,


The beautiful photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 8/4/17 {The Community Of SISTERHOOD}

Anyone else melting in this Seattle heat? I couldn’t believe we reached 97 yesterday but I’m not complaining. That’s when you call your sister up and eat acai bowls to cool off!

Speaking of sister, today I wanted to focus on something very special to me. I wanted to honor all powerful women, especially the powerful women in my life. Who would we be without community?

No really think about it…

Above many things I love and prioritize connection and community. To be able to be in deep communion, to learn from others’ wisdom, and equally important… to give back and share your own wisdom in the same respect.

Even more I am grateful for the Sisterhood, the feeling of **coming home**, whenever and wherever we gather in the world.

It has been amazing to watch the growth and wisdom explode over these past few years of the many sisters in my life, and I am honored to hold witness to this experience as well as share my own journey to an incredible line up of women.

And for this special bond I am forever grateful.

I encourage you today to write a letter of gratitude for the women (or your own special community) in YOUR life. Cherish those bonds. Tell them how much they have helped you in your growth and how you plan to be there for them. Strengthen these ties as they will strengthen you back with the amount of energy you tend to it.

So here’s to even more belly laughs, rolling tears, sunsets and sunrises, and all the gluten free desserts with all the special people in my life. Today I celebrate YOU.

In wellness,



The Benefits of Mindful Eating

Have you ever heard of mindful eating? Or eating with intention? If you have, have you actually put it to practice for an extended period of time?

Believe it or not, just like meditation or exercise, it takes work! But if you have tried it, you very well may have noticed all the wonderful benefits that come with mindful eating such as:

  • Complete digestion
  • A sense of well being and ease
  • Increased vitality
  • Feeling satiated
  • Better poop (yes, #2)
  • (just to name a few)

I wanted to write about this in particular because just like with exercise or other “seemingly” important things that we know we should be doing, mindful eating seems to be last on the priority list. And what better time to put this into practice now that the 4th of July and all of it’s bbq’ing festivities are complete?

To start, as with anything, we need a current understanding of what we are doing today as it relates to what we desire to change. So ask yourself a few questions to start:

  • What are you doing when you eat a meal?
  • How do you feel right after a meal? 1 hour after a meal?
  • If you prepared your own food what was the step by step process you took in order to eat your meal?

You may notice a sense of awareness and connection beginning to occur already as you take inventory of how, with whom, what, where, and why you eat your food.

Remember, no judgement, just awareness.

The point of this exercise above is to better understand where you can make small changes to set the intention of mindful eating.

Whether you tend to buy prepared food, eat alone, watch TV, or come from a family of fast eaters there are a few solid steps you can take to incorporate mindful eating:

  • If you’re preparing your own food take the time to study your subject. Yes, look at every detail of the asparagus and it’s tiny intricate details! If you’re adding grapefruit to your salad try scraping a tiny piece of the skin and taking in the sweet and tangy fragrance it offers. Just by doing this you are already in the now and honoring what will soon be consumed.
  • If you bought a prepared meal take the time to thank the food and all the ways it got to be where it is today. From the sun, soil, worms, the farmers, and yes, even the people who prepared it. Without any of these elements this delicious meal wouldn’t have been possible! By doing this you may notice a sense of ease and gratitude, simply by taking the time to notice the miracles that occur on a minute by minute basis.
  • As you begin to eat really take a look at what’s on your fork or spoon and notice every single detail of the food in front of you. You’ll notice things I bet you haven’t seen in years, for some, the first time in their lives. As you look at every detail on your fork you may notice the thought, “wow, I’m not actually thinking about anything else”. Yes, that’s right. Continue to practice this art of noticing your food before each bite. An added side benefit of this art is that every single bite will taste that much better because your senses are now engaged with the food and not the distraction!
  • Don’t just swallow, chew! There’s something beautiful that happens when you really chew. First, it’s the body’s process of starting the digestion process. Your saliva acts as the break down agent for the food that will travel down to your stomach and intestines, so why not give it a kick start? Instead of having bigger pieces of food for your body to break down, really chew and mindfully notice the food as it breaks down in your mouth. Again, you may notice just how good food tastes and just how good you will feel not only physically, but m mentally as well.
  • Last but not least, end your mindful eating by giving thanks and staring at your bowl or plate with appreciation for what was in front of you. Rather than rushing off to the next thing, give yourself a minute or two to really take in the moment. Honor the time you gave to yourself and the food that is now in your body.


I hope you enjoyed these simple, yet powerful tips that work for me personally. During the transition between San Francisco and Seattle it was a hectic time, but when I needed it most mindful eating was the peace and solace I needed to ground myself and step into gratitude. As you can see, truly the benefits are endless!

In wellness,


Soul Session on FIRE

Last evening I had a Soul Session that was on fire.

I listened to what was weighing heavily on the heart and other life difficulties. We discussed a multitude of possibilities, but above all else we got to the core of what it means to be living NOW. To be at peace and knowing we are held; we are loved; we are perfectly where we need to be; we are perfect.

That said, what I really wanted to write about was the awe and gratitude that never ceases to amaze me.

Last evening was conducted over the phone, and what amazes me is how I am always matched with the right client and the right client always finds me. The growth we both feel can be none other than God at work. The Universe really does match people for a soul union and lasting relationship!

The kindness, bravery, and vulnerability it takes to be open and willing to face the truth is deeply respected and honored in sacred space.

I am always honored and humbled at each connection I make. My only wish is for a growing and expansive heart opening so that a bit more peace, love, and wisdom can enter the lives to all I connect with.

Thank you to all whom I have connected with and will continue to connect with. Your humility, grace, and inner wisdom is absolutely beautiful and I am honored to be witness to your life journey.

Forever yours,


The Emotional Guidance Scale

Where do you stand today?

Where do you want to be tomorrow?

Set the intention tonight and imagine it already happening.

In deep wellness,


Letting Go of Your Future Plans

I remember a time not too long ago, when at the close of 2014, I had immensely ambitious goals of what I would like to conquer in the next year. At the time it was all about health and fitness. How I could really take my strength, speed, and admittedly vanity to the next level.

Then BAM. Not a few days into January a mundane event caused a sudden panic attack and my world went spiraling.

Continue reading “Letting Go of Your Future Plans”

Oakland Blue Bottle

You Are Your Patterns

We are nothing but patterns

Kind of enlightening and empowering at the same time isn’t it?

When I first heard this yesterday it struck a chord within me. You see, I’ve been delving into the work and research behind the sub/conscious mind and everything is about patterns. If you remember this post, about 95%+ of our thoughts are mere repeats of what we were thinking the day before, and likely the days before that!

Simply acknowledging the fact that our brains are on constant repeat is power enough to know we can change the track.

So how do you change the track?

Continue reading “You Are Your Patterns”