Series on adrenal fatigue

How I Recovered from Adrenal Fatigue Pt. 3

In the last post on Adrenal Fatigue I shared some of the tools and tactics that helped me to overcome adrenal fatigue.

If I look back now it was almost a two year journey to heal all the wounds that likely led to having adrenal fatigue in the first place.

Yesterday’s post inspired me to write the third installment on how I overcame adrenal fatigue. Why? Because the theme in yesterday’s post was the exact mental model I needed during my journey for complete healing.

In the beginning stages of adrenal fatigue I was a mess. Yet I had hope. And it was this hope along with my driven type A personality that created a complete plan toward the road to health and wellness.

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Letting Go of Form When It Comes to Expectations

This is probably one of the hardest lessons when it comes to the human mind… Often times when we have a desire for a certain outcome whether it be a job, weight on the scale, soulmate, car, whatever it may be… our minds have a way of knowing EXACTLY what we want and if not exact, it knows to be disappointed or elated (more disappointed than not) once you’ve reached a certain point in time.

I am often humbled and embarrassed when I remember the times I was so determined to make something work, only to have, what seemed at the time, the door shut in my face so fast and so hard I could have felt the physicality of it. Oh yes, anyone ever had that moment?

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Friday Focus – 12/16/16

Can you feel Christmas in the air? And if you don’t necessarily celebrate Christmas… perhaps you feel the holiday cheer? Everyone seems to be more relaxed, cheery, and overall happy. I love these warm, fuzzy feelings and I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts 😉

Yesterday, I tried what seemed to be the best flourless peanut butter cookies, but alas… I ended up scratching my head in confusion wondering how 200 people gave this recipe a 5 stars. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to add an extra tablespoon of coconut oil… it seemed like a good idea at the time?

All that said, it seems only fitting that for this Friday Focus the theme is…

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Elizabeth Gilbert Big Magic

Two Pivotal Moments in Big Magic

I love audio books. Especially since I travel often and find myself sitting in traffic (a lot)! When the list of unplayed podcast shows 0 I can always rely on Audible for a good read.

Since I love learning new things my Audible playlist (and podcast for that matter) are entirely comprised of psychology, health, business, fitness, or memoirs. Currently, I’m almost through this incredible book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, by the incredible author Elizabeth Gilbert. The cherry on top is that Elizabeth herself is reading to you!


As I am near the end of the book I am grateful Elizabeth reads the book herself. There is something about hearing the emotion, investment, experience, the living proof of how this book came to be through hearing her words.

There was a pivotal moment in the book I couldn’t have been more grateful for. Actually two pivotal moments that truly struck me. And of course I took these two moments as a reminder to my own self and took my own interpretation* which you can find below.

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Why Rest is So Important

When you are tired, physically and or emotionally, the best thing you can do for yourself is to just be. Be tired! Let your bones feel the weight you carry mentally all day long.

Often times when we are tired we brush it off as weakness. Some of the chatter that may be going on in our heads is, “Ugh, I didn’t even do that much but I am so tired! What did I eat that is making me feel as if I have no energy? Am I feeling tired because I didn’t work out enough this last week? Why isn’t my body keeping up? Is something wrong with me?!”

Whew, I feel like I had a flashback moment. To be honest this is a lot of the type of analysis I would have done in the past, and admittedly sometimes creeps in insidiously from time to time, which is why meditation can be helpful for combating old habits.

Why is it that we automatically assume we didn’t do enough or that there must be something wrong with ourselves that we feel so tired? Where does true and actual rest come into play?

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Japan Trip Revisited

How do I describe Japan? Logically I understand it is one of the biggest cities in Asia but ironically due to their perfection in almost all they do, extreme politeness I wish I could see in more areas of the world, and utterly clean streets, I almost feel I’m in a completely different world!

I’ve lived in Japan for 3 years during high school years so going back wasn’t all too shocking.

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A beautiful, jarring reality check of what’s most important in life:

Can it get any better?

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays. The smell of all things delicious baking in the oven, the bouts of laughter coming from all corners of the house, the crackling of the fireplace, saying grace and sharing what we’re thankful for… I mean, can it get any better?

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so much. To name a few I am thankful for…

  • Peace… and the grace that as human beings we even have the freedom to surrender in order to obtain peace
  • God’s love, which we have access to at any given moment, 24/7
  • The freedom of choice
  • Support
  • This body which has gone through thick and thin with me

I would love to hear some of yours  🙂  What are you most grateful for?

My deepest wishes to you for a very grateful Thanksgiving with family, friends, and community.

Love & Peace friends.