10 Top Paleo & Health Resources You Need To Know

Over the years I’ve tried a few diets and lifestyles. I loved few, disliked most. Nothing ever seemed to be “the answer” until I blended everything I knew from the top experts in various fields and found something that worked for me.

I have found myself applying this to various areas of my life when it comes to formulating what works for me, from diet, lifestyle, learning, coaching, mindfulness, exercise, and more.

It probably helps that I’m the type of person that absolutely LOVES to learn. I can’t get enough of it! Any time I have spare time I’m watching a conference on YouTube or listening to a podcast. I find it absolutely fascinating at how much information is out there and why people feel so strongly about one stance vs. another.

What I also find fascinating is how much new information is discovered every year. Who knows what really works other than to getting to know your mind and body for yourself?! I mean, in the 90s it was low fat, and now?

Now fat is the cool kid on the block.

adrenal fatigue coach

This is why I keep an open mind. Just like how conventional medicine says there is no such thing as “adrenal fatigue”, and while the naming of this syndrome is yet to be conclusive, what I do know is the effects that this hormonal dysregulation had on my mental and physical self.

What matters is finding out what works FOR YOU.

What matters is getting to know YOUR OWN body and mind and not compare success stories.

What matters is identifying the right people and resources that will help you become your OPTIMAL SELF.

With that said, here are the top Paleo experts and other resources I keep an eye on for the latest and greatest as this field continues to expand.

While they all have common themes, they also differ in slight ways. What’s most important to consider here is not what they say, but how you feel, perform, and think, as you apply advice and adjust your lifestyle.

If you don’t know where to start, choose one adjustment and commit to two weeks, then see how you feel. Give yourself constraints and honor your decision to try something new.

Finding what works for you is a journey; and you have to remember that as you evolve so will the lifestyle – so you might as well enjoy the ride.

In wellness,


Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Embodying Your Intentions & Taking One Small Step

There’s always something about the first few weeks of the new year that makes it special. You’re still in awe of how the last year flew by, and in a way, motivated to make the most out of this one. I know I certainly am.

While most traditions call for new year resolutions I’ve become a believer of setting intentions instead. Why? Because intentions inherently focus on the positive qualities we want to imbue, not the “thing” we must strive for (aka resolutions).

Now the exception to this rule is if you are the type of person that absolutely gets pumped over resolutions.

No seriously! I can’t stress enough how important it is to know thy self. No one can tell you what’s right and wrong for you – only you know what works, and yes, while this evolves over time as you do – only you can know what’s right for you in any moment when you truly connect with your deepest self.

After you’ve set your intention, imagine how it would feel to embody those qualities of said intention by asking yourself these powerful questions:

  • What qualities do you need to feel good carrying out your intention? List as many as you can.
  • What sensations and/or emotions do you feel?
  • Where in your body do you feel them? Describe every detail of how it feels!
  • How do you perceive the world differently? What’s changed specifically?
  • What does your voice sound like when you are interacting with others?
  • What would it look like in your actions/interactions with others? What are the differences in how you view yourself?

And of course, the pivotal question to get you started – what is the one small step you can take for yourself?

Whether it’s:

  • lighting a candle to start a personal QT (quality time) practice
  • flossing your two front teeth
  • setting an alarm to meditate for ONE minute
  • preparing ONE healthy meal for yourself during the week
  • praising ONE person during the week to help elevate another person
  • taking 5 deep breaths a day to start a breathing practice
  • drinking ONE tall glass of water during the day

Do you see how taking one small step allows for easy, quick accomplishments? This rewards the brain center and suddenly any blocks or fears around whether or not the “goal” is truly achievable lessens with every small win.

Whenever I want to incorporate a new aspect into my lifestyle this is exactly what I do.

  1. First, I meditate on what it is I truly want. Rather than focusing on a certain goal, I focus on my intention. What is the deeper meaning behind incorporating this into my life?
  2. I then look at the qualities of what it is I want to incorporate. Is it more love? peace? joy? strength? determination?
  3. I look to the one small step I can take to make it an easy win
  4. Repeat step 3 🙂

If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to take a deep review of what it is you truly want more of in your life this year. Often times, you may even notice your qualities end up being your intention and that is OK as well!

Here’s to the turtle that always wins the race 🙂

In wellness,


Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash


Doing The Unexpected To Shift Perspective

Oftentimes when we find ourselves in a lower state, a mix of emotions that aren’t useful and have been in your mind space for long enough that it doesn’t serve you, we get stuck in a rut.

Why is that? Well, for one, all it takes it 90 seconds to lessen the stronghold of a particular emotion. It passes after 90 seconds. However, most people are so ardently focused on what’s wrong that those 90 seconds are far and few between.

So what can you do to shift your perspective? For one, change your environment. Get out of the house, take a 30 minute break from your office, and most importantly – DO SOMETHING NEW.

The most efficient way to shift your perspective is to do the unexpected.

  • If something happened in the morning, try taking a new route to work.
  • If something happened at work, try taking a break by ordering coffee at a new coffee shop you’ve never been to.
  • In general try visiting a new park and taking a stroll discovering new sights and sounds that nature has to offer.
  • Or go on a mini adventure doing something new (let’s say, visiting a pet shelter, trying stand-up paddle boarding for the first time, buying coffee for the person behind you, etc.) to shift your experience completely!

And the bottom line? The possibilities are endless and the power is in your hands.

So think bright my friends! You’ll be amazed at how the world looks so different when we do the unexpected and shift our perspective in a matter of minutes.

And of course, let’s not forget, if this is a deep and recurring emotion and/or situation we must address the root and do the work.

In wellness,


Photo by Alejandro Alvarez on Unsplash

How I Cured Severe PMS

I’ve debated for as long as my writings have submerged whether or not I wanted to divulge this part of my life. Not because it’s personal, but because the “cure” didn’t come in the form of a person or special herbal supplement. The cure was actually something so simple yet required a miracle mindset to achieve.

Let me start from the beginning.

For as long as I could remember I had debilitating PMS symptoms. From intense cravings, bloating up to 5-7 pounds in water weight, irritability, intense emotions, and this was the clincher for me – depression.

Like clockwork every 2 weeks I would dread the 14 day mark where these symptoms would arrive and drive me crazy until the 3rd day into my menstrual cycle. I began tracking every period so that I can brace myself and prepare for the 2 weeks out of every month (that’s 6 months of the year by the way) where I would need to mentally strap myself in for the ride.

Researching cures was a part time job. During every break and bedtime reading it was reading the latest scientific research on which herbal supplement, exercise, hormone treatment might possibly be the cure for me. I was searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow… and the Unicorn.

I tried visiting multiple doctors and every emerging biohack that existed, and while I saw incremental changes it was nothing compared to the peace I so deeply desired.

Birth control pills were out of the question. I tried it once and cried for no reason in public and it wasn’t until my mother asked if I made any changes to my supplement regimen that I realized it was the pill that wasn’t working for me.

How to cure PMS naturally

What truly helped was getting in tune with my body. The first time I ever realized this was when I went gluten free after having done an elimination diet when I first started Crossfit. Going gluten free was a game changer. No longer did I have the debilitating cramps that kept me popping ibuprofen and staying in bed! However, this was short lived as I still encountered many of the other symptoms that equally drove me crazy.

Fast forward several years I remember being curled up in a ball and fervently praying to God, the Universe, anyone that would listen. I prayed that I be at peace… for my mind was driving me insane.

Just thinking about the next 14 days was driving me crazy. You see, I was perpetually in a state of being a slave to the thought. A puppet to the PMS gods.

I prayed out of desperation because none of my strategies were working and I didn’t have any more cards up my sleeve to even consider.

I prayed to see things differently. Ultimately, I just prayed for peace. I remember distinctly saying, “I don’t even care if I continue on with these symptoms, I just need the peace.”

In complete and utter surrender I fell asleep and the next morning I decided to walk 4 miles to city center instead of taking the bus. In that moment I realized I was in a different state. I remember to this day that if even an inkling of a PMS related thought (or any negative thought for that matter) crossed my mind I just decided, “Nope, not going to think about that right now.” and I moved on.

And fast forward another few years later – still NO PMS SYMPTOMS. None, nada, zilch, nothing.

I remember in all my 20s saying to God, “If you cure me of this I swear I’ll write a blog post about what happened.”. So here I am fulfilling my promise.

And I can almost hear the disappointment because I of all people very well know by no means is this a sexy cure all. I know first hand how desperately satisfying and exciting it is to have someone say, “I tried X product with X person and my disease is completely gone! I am loving life now!”.

But I need to be completely honest of my own experience – it was what worked for me.

If someone would have told me this story in my early 20s I would have rolled my eyes and said, “Yea, lucky you but that isn’t going to work for me.”.

It wasn’t until years later after becoming an Integrative Life Coach (and years of studying various modalities related to neuroscience) that I realized what I did on my own is an actual thing.

You see, we are playing a movie in our minds eye all the time and what we see is a mere reflection of what we think. We can be at peace right away, symptoms or not, because it isn’t the PMS that is causing us our suffering it is our thought about it.

I just simply changed my thought.

We have become so accustomed to believing our thought is fact when really it’s just a thought. It takes a mental meta-model to truly see the nuances but it can be done. Why do you think mindfulness has made it so big? It’s achieving the same goal of separating thought from fact.

And I get it. It’s not the sexiest cure; but I also understand it’s individual timing. It’s trusting the journey in where you are. It’s the willingness to see things differently and sometimes that willingness only appears when you are so desperate.

Truly this was the moment where I experienced a miracle. I mean, if someone told me I wouldn’t have anymore PMS symptoms the next day I don’t know if I would have believed it.

Again, this was the moment I realized just how powerful our brains truly are.

Were the symptoms real? Of course. But it makes me question (and thus launched me deep into the research of the brain) and why I became an Integrative Life Coach, just how much of the symptoms were caused by the power of my own thoughts vs. my body?

I’ll say it again, through years of my own research I have come to learn that thoughts cause emotions, not the other way around. HOW we look at life, our very own perspective and belief systems, are the very basis of how we will experience life!

This is the true work of personal power. Understanding our very own foundation allows us to become the strong pillars we so desperately seek in our lives.

So whether it is PMS or some other patterned thought/behavior – just recognize that there is possibility in making your experience of the situation completely different.

On that note, I bow deeply to anyone reading this post going through PMS or any other similar situation… your strength, courage, and determination does not go unnoticed.

In deep wellness,


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Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/15/17 {Our Relationship To Emotions & Ways to Center}

It’s officially the middle of the month guys… are you taking advantage of every moment? Drinking in the last few days of 2017?!

I know for certain I have had a few moments this past week where I am caught up in the busy-ness of the day to day, but thankfully yoga and meditation brings me back to center.

What are your day to day staples that help you bring you to your center?

No really, do you have something that can help you calm the thoughts? the emotions? the discomfort of being in your body at times?

Oftentimes we forget that it’s OK to have the emotion but what’s actually causing the suffering is our RELATIONSHIP to the emotion which causes angst and incredible pain.

That’s where the practice of silent quality time with yourself can come in handy. Whether you have a practice already or not, I thought I’d list a couple here. Personally I have found it helpful to switch it up at times.

Ways to Center

And the list goes on! The point here is to give you a breath of inspiration OR allow yourself to pivot from any of the ideas above so that you can creatively find new ways to center.

This practice is powerful and if you already have a personal practice you know what I’m talking about. They’re a life saver 😉

So, if there’s one thing I can emphasize for this week’s Friday Focus it’s this – it’s not our emotions, it’s our relationship to the emotion that causes the suffering.

Here’s to finding more ways to find our center and a new awareness of our relationship to our thoughts and emotions.

In deep wellness,


Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Best healthy PMS milkshake! Guaranteed to solve any chocolate craving. Decadent and delicious!

The Best Chocolate Milkshake Recipe for PMS

Men, you may need to skip this post or if you have a woman in your life, read on because this post is GOLD.

Before I dive into this I need to mention one thing, the best part about this chocolate milkshake recipe is that it’s completely healthy for you! Yes, you read that right, HEALTHY. Put yo hands up!!! ?

I know so many women who suffer some form of hormonal change right before menstruation. This could result in feeling hot, irritable, bloating, and/or of course craving all the salty and sweet foods a person can ask for.

I’ve actually found NLP and training the unconscious mind to be immensely helpful when it comes to reprogramming your brain on the expectancy of PMS but that is a whole other (possibly series) of post for another day.

Today, I wanted to share with you a recipe that I love to indulge in even if I’m not craving a milkshake because it’s THAT good.

The recipe:

  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • 1 cup almond milk or milk of choice
  • 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon of raw cacao nib for an extra chocolatey punch
  • Sweetener of choice such as dates, honey, agave, etc. but purely optional
  • Stevia to taste (just make sure you put enough sweetener whether stevia or caloric based into this shake, indulge a little!)
  • 1/2 and avocado (yes this is what makes it SO creamy plus it’s full of magnesium!)
  • Adaptogens or other garnish to taste. You can put in your favorite adaptogens such as rhodiola or ashwaganda without it distorting the flavor, OR you can add in cinnamon and turn it into a Chocolate Horchata Milkshake!

I don’t know about you but just writing about this is making me want one RIGHT NOW and I just had one a few hours ago 😉

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I hope you have access to these ingredients right now, I guarantee you it will satisfy. Enjoy and happy craving busting!

In wellness,


Mango Beet Summer Smoothie Recipe!

Favorites Lately – Beet Mango Smoothie

I discovered this Beet Mango Smoothie recipe on accident. I’m sure there’s a similar recipe somewhere on the interwebs but truth be told, I was looking for something refreshing to drink on a hot summer day and when I looked in the fridge I had all the ingredients to make this delicious beverage AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT 🙂

What I love about this recipe is that it’s fairly low in sugar, has a ton of fiber, and most importantly will keep you cool on these particularly hot summer days! Thankfully it’s also fairly simple to make. Here are the ingredients:

  • 5-8 cubed raw beets (at least a handful)
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup cubed mangoes
  • Ginger the size of half your thumb or a little more (I love ginger so I tend for a little more)
  • 1 whole lime (half if you aren’t into acidity)
  • 2-3 ice cubes

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Blend and ENJOY!

Taking the time to make this beautiful drink in the morning seriously makes my day and I hope it adds a bit of joy, serenity, and wellness to yours.

In wellness,


Powerful Questions Pt. 1

This week I wanted to do something a little special.

Have you ever found that asking powerful questions can help clarify thoughts and feelings? They certainly have for me, and with the New Moon in Leo (first of two!) I wanted to honor this new energy by asking a few powerful questions everyday this week.

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These questions will relate to how you honor your own creative forces, and how you show up in the world. I don’t know about you but my own creative energies have been on FIRE lately!

Most importantly, with deep reflection it may even reveal how you actually WANT to show up in the world. Make sure you spend at least 5 minutes asking your deeper self to show you your most authentic and honest answers. Center the mind and allow time for self reflection.

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Are you ready?

? Where have I been neglecting my creative outlets?
? When have I noticed my pulse racing a little thinking of doing something new?
? If I have, what are the qualities of these activities?
? Are they entrepreneurial? Activity based? Connection based? Health based? Art based?

(Pictures of the beautiful Wishing Tree nestled in the neighborhood of Capital Hill. You should check it out if you’re in the area ?)

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I did these myself and absolutely LOVED the process. For me, my love for photography has been coming back in ways I never expected! I’ve been making it a point to bring my professional camera along with me because I never know what I might find inspiring while meeting up with a friend. In addition, I have been deeply considering creating a women’s group in the North Seattle area. I’m still working through the main concept and what intentions I’d like for this special group, but thought I would share with you all some of my creative ideas that have come up in the last couple of days and weeks.

How about you? Any big truths or hints come up for you? You’d be surprised at what comes up if you really honor the time to reflect ✏❤?

In wellness,
