Seattle Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Hot Letters: Getting Your Anger Out The Safe Way

Ever sent an angry text or email to someone and instantly regretted it? Or maybe the regret wasn’t instant but you still felt crummy?

Chances are you said a few things that might not have been stated so eloquently let alone matter to you 3 months from now.

Why in the world do we do that?!

How to let anger out the safe way and preventing regret.

Anger is one of those emotions that does not serve. It’s an emotion that needs to be processed with love so that you can begin to see clearly again.

Once you’ve gained conscious awareness that you are in an angry state, I like to recommend the process of Abraham Lincoln called Hot Letters.

Good ol’ Abe Lincoln wrote letters to whom he was angry at and wrote until he had nothing else left to say. He would then keep these letters in a safe place. Yes, that’s right, he never sent them.

Because here’s the thing, when in history did anger ever lead us to peace?

The next time you feel angry write it all out. Address the person, thing, or event; call names; say whatever you need to say and let it all out until you start to repeat yourself.

And trust me. Don’t send it. Your future self will thank you.

And then, instead of keeping it in a safe place why not burn it or rip it up into tiny pieces?

The very act of physically watching your thoughts get thrown away actually helps to release your thoughts from your brain.

Anger happens. It’s a human emotion. But don’t let it get the best of you.

Love yourself a little more during this time…

Stay calm and write the letters.

In wellness,
