Somewhere along the Pacific coast line

Watch It Come And Go

No matter the situation, no matter the emotion, no matter the thought – just remember watch it come and go.

Accept the resistance.

Accept the discomfort.

Accept the need to escape.

Accept the subtle need to want things to change.

Watch it come and go.

Love where you are.

Love yourself.

Love every emotion and thought that comes by.

Love the tiny awakening inside you.

Love the fact that you are OK right here, right now.

Watch it come and go.

This is the practice…

Walking Into Fear With All The Feels

I got into San Francisco yesterday evening. It’s funny, as I was waiting for my Uber at SFO I smelled SF. Yes, I didn’t realize until this moment that SF/Bay Area had a distinct smell. Doesn’t sound too weird to me though because that’s how I feel every time I land at ICN too 🙂

Upon getting to the hotel and settling in, while it was late I wasn’t ready to go to sleep just yet. As I was sitting in bed pondering whether I should read or try to sleep suddenly I got hit with this incredibly hard feeling that I needed to cry. Out of nowhere this feeling left me feeling bewildered. Where is this coming from?

A quick mental calculation later I realized it would be the time of the month soon, but still… was there anything else going on?

I waited. I listened. I sat. I laid. Nothing happened. I’ve always been a hard crier, meaning the tears just wouldn’t flow without a good reason, so I let it be and turned down for bed.

The evening was long. And I mean loooooooong. The heater in the room made a loud clanky noise every time it turned on/off, plus, it wasn’t my bed. At around 4am I finally fell into a deep sleep and suddenly found myself lucid dreaming. Towards the end of this dream like state I realized the tears that were flowing from my face were actually streaming down my face IRL! I decided to wake up the moment my hands came up to wipe my tears away.

Was I surprised? Not really. A little? Yes.

I wasn’t surprised that the tears had finally come out, but what I was surprised about was the fact that it came out from a dream and that I felt deep emotions in this dream. I am by no means a dream interpreter but I had heard once that you can find meaning behind your dreams by getting a feel for what emotions came up.

So what did I feel in this dream? Oppression, hurt, sadness, nonacceptance, anger.

Without going into the why, because there could be a million reasons why (i.e., somatics, energy, the phase of the moon, a woman’s cycle, etc.), what I do know is that I began to sit with the emotions.

In my waking state I took time to be in silence, to just breathe, and to be in awareness.

My key takeaway is this:

  • It happened
  • Listen to what you feel
  • Feel it
  • Will I personalize it?
  • Or will I walk into the feeling, be with it, and practice self love?

You see there’s a million ways of going about it but it all comes down to bringing light to dark. What will you do and where will you take it? Can you let it go after you’ve had enough time to process?

So here’s to all the feels and the moments following the feels to be with them in self love, acceptance, and surrender.

Much love.

What Are You Creating?

As humans we are constantly creating. Whether it’s our job, our relationships, our feelings, our next “fill in the blank”, our social media, our goals, you see… there is always something in motion.

The most critical part of creation is this 

Are you creating from a place of lack or a place of abundance? Fear or Love? Resistance or Flow? What is the main foundational emotion running YOUR engine?

When you really think about it, what emotion would you rather have running through you while you are off creating in this world?



There’s never an original thought.  There is only the thought that finds its owner.

Tree Medicine

Lately I’ve been changing my “fitness” routine, or rather, preferred activity of moving from crossfit to more slow moving activities. For the most part 5 days out of the week I go to a nearby trail and walk the dog as well as practice yoga.

With work requiring so much of my time I’ve been noticing my stress levels on the rise with a bit of anxious energy from about mid-afternoon into the evening. Having gone through this before I decided to focus on activities that would help ground me but still get my blood flowing and my body moving 🙂

One day, I stopped to stare up at a giant douglas fir tree and stood there in awe of it’s grandeur. It wasn’t until the dog was pulling me to keep going along the trail that I had to tear myself away from the tree. However, I didn’t forget… there was something magical that happened.

Continue reading “Tree Medicine”

Advice From a River

2017-04-12 15.42.09

~ Go with the Flow
~ Immerse yourself in nature
~ Slow down and meander
~ Go around the obstacles
~ Be thoughtful of those downstream
~ Stay current
~ The beauty is in the journey

Sensory Deprivation & Floating

(picture courtsey of Life Float via Facebook)

I have been wanting to do a sensory deprivation float for at least a few years and finally found the right place and the right time to do it – and I’m so glad I did!

First of all, I love trying new experiences. There’s something about getting out of your usual routine that gets the brain and body shifting in different gears that really get me excited.

Back to floating… after doing a bit of research I decided to try Life Float in Seattle. The ease of booking online, customer service, and cleanliness of the facilities had me sold. Not to mention the genuine and authentic nature of the business, which was immediately validated upon arrival.

But wait, what’s floating?

Continue reading “Sensory Deprivation & Floating”

What Are Your Deal Breakers?

No, no…. I’m not talking about the kind of deal breakers you talk amongst your girlfriends or homies regarding your relationships with your significant other. I’m talking about the deal breakers for your relationship with YOURSELF!

Do you know what:

  • brings you to your limits?
  • makes you a happier person?
  • makes you cranky?
  • things or people you can tolerate (but really why)?

Continue reading “What Are Your Deal Breakers?”