Why Rest is So Important

When you are tired, physically and or emotionally, the best thing you can do for yourself is to just be. Be tired! Let your bones feel the weight you carry mentally all day long.

Often times when we are tired we brush it off as weakness. Some of the chatter that may be going on in our heads is, “Ugh, I didn’t even do that much but I am so tired! What did I eat that is making me feel as if I have no energy? Am I feeling tired because I didn’t work out enough this last week? Why isn’t my body keeping up? Is something wrong with me?!”

Whew, I feel like I had a flashback moment. To be honest this is a lot of the type of analysis I would have done in the past, and admittedly sometimes creeps in insidiously from time to time, which is why meditation can be helpful for combating old habits.

Why is it that we automatically assume we didn’t do enough or that there must be something wrong with ourselves that we feel so tired? Where does true and actual rest come into play?

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Japan Trip Revisited

How do I describe Japan? Logically I understand it is one of the biggest cities in Asia but ironically due to their perfection in almost all they do, extreme politeness I wish I could see in more areas of the world, and utterly clean streets, I almost feel I’m in a completely different world!

I’ve lived in Japan for 3 years during high school years so going back wasn’t all too shocking.

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A beautiful, jarring reality check of what’s most important in life:

My Top 10 Reasons for Moving the Body

It’s crazy how much we sit all day isn’t it? I don’t know about you but there are times when I get home and notice the pedometer on my device reads something below 700 steps and I literally gasp aloud and then I say something along the lines of, “WOW… I swear I was busy today…”

I’ve always known I do better when I move. Aside from the fact we are primal beings and are meant to move our bodies there’s something to be said about moving the stagnant energy within our bodies too.

I love that there’s practically NO downside of getting outside and moving your body. It goes to show how important it actually is.

Here are my current top 10 reasons for why we should move our body today:

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Friday Focus – 11/18/16

As we go into the weekend I though it would be a nice reminder to bring full circle a recurring theme or thought that has been coming up whether through inquiries or observation. After all, Fridays are a bit more relaxed and we tend to lose focus as we go into the weekend with social commitments and errands to run 🙂

This week’s focus is: What your thoughts focus on, EXPANDS.

We talked about Momentum last week and how when we keep the momentum of any thought going it becomes harder and harder to step back from the identification of the story and to stop the feeling(s) that is now contained within the body. It begins to feel real doesn’t it?

Every time you become aware of a certain thought be cognizant of what emotion this thought is bringing. Is it bringing you anxiety? stress? worry? fear? anger? resentment? Remember, these types of emotions are low on the vibrational scale and equally as important, remember the more you think these thoughts the harder it becomes to unravel yourself from the story.

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Living an Uncluttered Life for Inner Peace

When I first moved to San Francisco I only took what I truly needed. And when I say “took” I mean, everything was packed into my car and I still had room to boot. Why? I had no idea whether I’d still want to live in San Francisco in a year and did not want to deal with moving anything to my next destination.

What I didn’t realize by doing this is how much peace I would have in my life.

Once I had unpacked the boxes, all within 1-2 hours, I looked around the space and just smiled. I felt a lightness within myself and particularly within my mind!

What I felt coming home everyday, and knowing exactly where everything was and why, cleared any clutter I had in my head. If you can imagine your brain as a physical space it’s as if 80% of it was now released from unnecessary  items and available for your own inner peace.

I had no idea the release of physical items could have a mental release. WHOOSH. Space. Quietness. Mindfulness.

Unknowingly this started an intenion of living simply.

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