Heal the past Coach

Do You Let Your Past Affect You?

In this video I break down how your past affects you now AND in the future if you don’t know how to handle it.

Remember, if you want to do new things, be a better person, or simply uplevel your life you must, think and feel new thoughts and emotions. What got you here, simply won’t get you there.

Think outside the box my friends!

In wellness,


Seattle Public Speaking and Anxiety Coach

The Art Of Public Speaking

Who doesn’t have to speak in public?

No really, if you think about it… we all have to engage in some form of public speaking on a daily basis.

But what if you have to speak publicly for a living?

What if you need to present to the C-Suite on a weekly basis?

What if you need to talk with and encourage and motivate your team members on a DAILY basis?

Seattle Public Speaking and Anxiety Coach

I came across this wonderful book, The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie and Joseph Berg Esenwein, and I had to share some of my golden nuggets.

While it doesn’t compare to reading the book… it might bring you some insights as you prepare to go into your next meeting later today or even this week. Here it is:


It is sheer egotism to fill your mind with thoughts of self when the greater thing is there – truth.
If the theater caught fire you could rush the stage and shout directions to the audience without any self-consciousness, for the importance of what you were saying would drive all fear thoughts out of your mind.
Have the first few sentences worked out completely so that you may not be troubled in the beginning to find words. Know your subject better than your hearers know it, and you have nothing to fear.
Overconfidence is bad, but to tolerate premonitions of failure is worse.
If you believe you will fail, there is no hope for you. You will.
Rid yourself of this “I am a poor worm in the dust idea”. You are a god, with infinite capabilities. “All things are ready if the mind be so.”

Take a deep breath, relax, and begin in the quiet conversational tone as though you were speaking to one large friend.

The bravest no fear, but they do not yield to it.
In your audience slice some victory for you and the cause you represent. Go with it.


and this is the one I love the most:


And remember that your audience is infinitely more important than you, the truth is more important than the both of you, because it is eternal.


Sure there are the jitters, but the jitters only get worse because of the story you are telling yourself in your mind.

Get good and telling the truth, and then you become unstoppable.

In wellness,



adrenal fatigue coach

What To Do After Major Adrenal Fatigue Or Burnout

I like to call this phase the i-think-i’m-a-zombie phase.

If you’re the type of person that wants to just move on with your life to the good stuff, chances are you haven’t fully absorbed the meaning behind why adrenal fatigue happened and how you can transform adrenal fatigue to serve you.

You might still be in a daze as to why adrenal fatigue even happened, especially since you’re smart, well intended, and nothing that stressful really happened. Right?

It’s not until we look back and realize just how hard we were working and just how hard we were on ourselves during these times.

adrenal fatigue and stress management coach

If we don’t take the time to understand why our bodies couldn’t habituate to the stress and what was causing the stress in the first place, we just might find ourselves in a similar situation in the near future.

And that is no good.

Anyone who’s ever been through adrenal fatigue would never wish it upon anyone, even their worst enemies.

So what can you do during this zombie phase?

You can start by simply taking the time to reflect on what was driving you so hard to begin with.

What were you so hard on yourself for? What were you afraid of?

Now I’m not talking about things outside our external control.

I’m talking about your internal drivers. What motivates you and why, and why you place meaning behind the things you do.

You see, once we can start to understand the root of what was driving you to do, be, and act the way you did prior to adrenal fatigue, we can begin to build new internal drivers.

This is the most important work you can do for yourself.

This type of investment is the kind of investment no one talks about.

What if you could have invested in yourself THEN so you wouldn’t have had to go through adrenal fatigue?

What if, now knowing this, you can invest in yourself NOW so that you can prevent another breakdown in the future?

What if by investing in yourself now you can live the life you always dreamed of?

Understanding your internal drivers is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If you don’t take action for yourself, who will?

In wellness,



Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Embodying Your Intentions & Taking One Small Step

There’s always something about the first few weeks of the new year that makes it special. You’re still in awe of how the last year flew by, and in a way, motivated to make the most out of this one. I know I certainly am.

While most traditions call for new year resolutions I’ve become a believer of setting intentions instead. Why? Because intentions inherently focus on the positive qualities we want to imbue, not the “thing” we must strive for (aka resolutions).

Now the exception to this rule is if you are the type of person that absolutely gets pumped over resolutions.

No seriously! I can’t stress enough how important it is to know thy self. No one can tell you what’s right and wrong for you – only you know what works, and yes, while this evolves over time as you do – only you can know what’s right for you in any moment when you truly connect with your deepest self.

After you’ve set your intention, imagine how it would feel to embody those qualities of said intention by asking yourself these powerful questions:

  • What qualities do you need to feel good carrying out your intention? List as many as you can.
  • What sensations and/or emotions do you feel?
  • Where in your body do you feel them? Describe every detail of how it feels!
  • How do you perceive the world differently? What’s changed specifically?
  • What does your voice sound like when you are interacting with others?
  • What would it look like in your actions/interactions with others? What are the differences in how you view yourself?

And of course, the pivotal question to get you started – what is the one small step you can take for yourself?

Whether it’s:

  • lighting a candle to start a personal QT (quality time) practice
  • flossing your two front teeth
  • setting an alarm to meditate for ONE minute
  • preparing ONE healthy meal for yourself during the week
  • praising ONE person during the week to help elevate another person
  • taking 5 deep breaths a day to start a breathing practice
  • drinking ONE tall glass of water during the day

Do you see how taking one small step allows for easy, quick accomplishments? This rewards the brain center and suddenly any blocks or fears around whether or not the “goal” is truly achievable lessens with every small win.

Whenever I want to incorporate a new aspect into my lifestyle this is exactly what I do.

  1. First, I meditate on what it is I truly want. Rather than focusing on a certain goal, I focus on my intention. What is the deeper meaning behind incorporating this into my life?
  2. I then look at the qualities of what it is I want to incorporate. Is it more love? peace? joy? strength? determination?
  3. I look to the one small step I can take to make it an easy win
  4. Repeat step 3 🙂

If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to take a deep review of what it is you truly want more of in your life this year. Often times, you may even notice your qualities end up being your intention and that is OK as well!

Here’s to the turtle that always wins the race 🙂

In wellness,


Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash


Doing The Unexpected To Shift Perspective

Oftentimes when we find ourselves in a lower state, a mix of emotions that aren’t useful and have been in your mind space for long enough that it doesn’t serve you, we get stuck in a rut.

Why is that? Well, for one, all it takes it 90 seconds to lessen the stronghold of a particular emotion. It passes after 90 seconds. However, most people are so ardently focused on what’s wrong that those 90 seconds are far and few between.

So what can you do to shift your perspective? For one, change your environment. Get out of the house, take a 30 minute break from your office, and most importantly – DO SOMETHING NEW.

The most efficient way to shift your perspective is to do the unexpected.

  • If something happened in the morning, try taking a new route to work.
  • If something happened at work, try taking a break by ordering coffee at a new coffee shop you’ve never been to.
  • In general try visiting a new park and taking a stroll discovering new sights and sounds that nature has to offer.
  • Or go on a mini adventure doing something new (let’s say, visiting a pet shelter, trying stand-up paddle boarding for the first time, buying coffee for the person behind you, etc.) to shift your experience completely!

And the bottom line? The possibilities are endless and the power is in your hands.

So think bright my friends! You’ll be amazed at how the world looks so different when we do the unexpected and shift our perspective in a matter of minutes.

And of course, let’s not forget, if this is a deep and recurring emotion and/or situation we must address the root and do the work.

In wellness,


Photo by Alejandro Alvarez on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/29/18 {YOU Are Your Own Best Guide}

I had an idea of what I wanted to share today; it was going to be about the New Year, and I decided to scrap it at the last minute because something else was calling me to write about a very powerful message.

You see, sometimes we need to seek answers and that is completely OK. We need to go through different teachers whether it be yoga teachers, therapists, astrologers, psychics, chiropractors, life coaches, massage therapists, etc. to obtain the information we need at that time in order to grow and move on.

The beautiful thing is we begin to learn what works for us. Does touch work as a healing modality? Perhaps talking things out without the other person’s judgement is a form of release. Or maybe specific movement patterns such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Yoga seems to alleviate emotional and physical pain vs. the typical bootcamp or hard core spin class. Maybe typical meditation doesn’t work for you right now. Or you discover that talking to your best friend is the best therapy, and it’s free!

As we learn to intuitively feel into what we need, we begin to learn what works for us (and mind you that always changes as well!).

However, almost always there comes a time when we reach a point of the constant search. Soon, we forget what we truly needed in the first place. Perhaps we got what we needed and quickly developed a new need. Or maybe you are searching for a specific answer but you haven’t received it just yet.

Regardless of the root cause, if you find yourself ridden with anxiety in a constant search for X, I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath and pause.

No matter what you hear out there or what you learn from your guru, we are all human at the end of the day. I mean, can we really know all the answers? Is there only one answer? Aren’t we changing all the time, in every moment as well? Plus, there are new discoveries made in the spiritual and scientific realms every. single. day! There’s no way anyone can come to learn everything in this moment – possibly ever!

So what can we do?

Listen to the small, still voice inside of YOU.

Remember, no one has every answer, and no one is YOU. Only you know for yourself what truly clicks and what doesn’t. You are designed as uniquely as a snowflake and so is everyone else. If discoveries are being made daily, who is to say this one way is the way? Or that it even exists?

Take a deep breath and pause. Listen to your heart. Place one hand on your heart, and the other on the ground in front of you and listen for as long as you need to until you feel the strength and all knowing truth that is already within.

It’s ok to search. It’s ok to seek. We’re meant to grow, learn, and evolve. But if you’re beginning to feel anxious in hoping to discover THE answer, always remember this – the TRUTH is within.

In wellness,


Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash

Your Brain = Your Thoughts = Your LIFE

“As soon as we believe in something, we search for ways to prove it’s true.”

~Richard Handler

What are you choosing to believe in? 🙏

PSA: If you’re in the Seattle or Greater Seattle area I’ve started a Sisterhood Collective where we’ll be diving deep into Sisterhood, communion, 1:1, and asking ourselves Powerful Questions so that we can finally understand the inner workings of ourselves. Come join us for our first gathering where we will be sealing in the energy of Sisterhood and diving deep into embodying our truest intention for 2018!

In wellness,


Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash


“Impeccability is living with integrity from the still point inside us that is Authentic Being. It means being in charge in the swirl of events. It is manifesting Authentic Being through our personal ego, our impermanent self, without care for achievement, recognition, or gain.”

~Claude Poncelet, PhD

In wellness,


Photo by elora manzo on Unsplash

New York

Oh New York, how do I describe you?

I just returned from an intensive diving deep into the world of change work, NLP, unconscious mind training, neuroscience, embodied cognition, and so much more. Having experienced this work firsthand, months prior, undoubtedly allowed me to take these new findings to a whole other level. A level to where I have seen its effectiveness and how my current practice and frameworks are not only compatible, but strengthened with this new information.

Despite having around 3 hours of sleep a night (I blame it on the broken service door on our floor at the hotel. Every time room service needed to access the room, the door would slam shut and rattle all the other doors on our floor! But I digress…?) my energy levels have never been higher! The pure energy one feels when you know you are making an incredible difference in peoples lives is exhilarating.

Thank you to all my teachers, students, colleagues, friends, and to every single person (stranger or not) I met in New York – THANK YOU! Your kindness is mindblowingly heart warming and I can’t wait to be back.

With much love,
