Hand made, high quality crystal bead mala. Sage cleansed and high vibe. Rose Quartz

The Incredible Gift Of Malas

Malas are hard work. If I had the inventory of a crystal/bead shop then maybe not so much, but even still, once you discover someone’s root intention the hard work comes in trying to find the perfect alchemy of stones, crystals, colors, and the perfect ornamental piece (wherever that may be!) to complete the mala. In the case of the picture below, it happened to be a naturally shed deer antler that made this beauty complete:

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Divine Prana Mala

But I love the work. It’s humbling to be witness to someone’s raw and beautiful intention of the next few months. And it’s rewarding to discover each piece of the puzzle and to see it finally come all together the way it was supposed to for each person.

What amazes me each and every time is the complete trust every client has had in me. To provide me creative freedom means I have earned your trust, and for that I am forever humbled and grateful.

For this next piece I am creating I was delighted to find THIS beautiful amethyst stone which will complete the Divine Heart mala.

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I can’t wait for this mala to finally meet its owner. Just in time for the new year!


Meaning vs. Flow

“Oftentimes we try to make sense of something or give too much meaning to what we are solutioning. The problem lies not in our intention but the day to day THINKING or ACTION. 

With intention comes vision, and from there we should go with the flow of life. The answer lies here.

God, the pulse of life, all but want that alignment of our mind, body, and soul. And how can that happen other than to vibrate at the highest level and by living in the present moment?

So stop trying to make sense. Stop trying to give so much meaning to what you are doing. By doing this you are actual demeaning the very intention of your acts.”

-from a recent freehand journal entry
