Hand made, high quality crystal bead mala. Sage cleansed and high vibe. Rose Quartz

The Incredible Gift Of Malas

Malas are hard work. If I had the inventory of a crystal/bead shop then maybe not so much, but even still, once you discover someone’s root intention the hard work comes in trying to find the perfect alchemy of stones, crystals, colors, and the perfect ornamental piece (wherever that may be!) to complete the mala. In the case of the picture below, it happened to be a naturally shed deer antler that made this beauty complete:

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Divine Prana Mala

But I love the work. It’s humbling to be witness to someone’s raw and beautiful intention of the next few months. And it’s rewarding to discover each piece of the puzzle and to see it finally come all together the way it was supposed to for each person.

What amazes me each and every time is the complete trust every client has had in me. To provide me creative freedom means I have earned your trust, and for that I am forever humbled and grateful.

For this next piece I am creating I was delighted to find THIS beautiful amethyst stone which will complete the Divine Heart mala.

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I can’t wait for this mala to finally meet its owner. Just in time for the new year!


Naturally Shed Deer Antler. Hand made with real, high quality crystal beads. Sage cleansed and high vibe.

Divine Prana

What does it mean to live with unconditional love? To infuse this unconditional love with your personal power? Your life force? Just how different would our lives be if we lived from this state?

Not too long ago I completed this mala for a beautiful soul. When choosing the gemstones I found Blood Jasper and Honey Jade to be the perfect combination to help support Divine Prana. Let’s do a quick deep dive into what these gemstones represent and support.

Blood Jasper: Ahh, this stone is special. I love how you can get lost in the depths of its dark green mass mixed with a unique blending and swirling of it’s equally dark counterpart – red. Legend has it that the red represented the tears of an ancient dragon. Blood Jasper is known for its prana, Qi, and life force. This stone supports anyone to develop and harness one’s courage, strength and vitality.

Honey Jade: When looking at this beautiful stone I am reminded of the sweet, delicate drops of natural honey. I choose Honey Jade to complement Blood Jasper due to its representation of the third chakra – the Solar Plexus – the power house chakra. Not only does Honey Jade aid in supporting your personal power, it radiates divine, unconditional love. It is also a grounding and calming stone.

Lastly, I felt called to choose the naturally shed deer antler to complete the piece. For some reason I felt that it represented the full circle of life.

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Very excited for this mala to meet its special owner. May this mala support personal power and living life with integrity, yet showing up in the world with the most powerful force available within all of us – Love. May Love always lead us to co-create with Nature to uplift and raise each other up.

In wellness,


Black Onyx and Amazonite Protection Stack. Hand made with real, high quality crystal beads. Sage cleansed and high vibe.

Powerful Questions Pt. 5

In lieu of Friday Focus I wanted to wrap up the Powerful Questions series with our last set of questions. I couldn’t be more excited for this because this is where we get to take ACTION.

Being a type A person taking action is my jam. This is the time where we now understand what it is we desire and what it was that was holding us back.

Oftentimes we make everything big in our minds: our fears, our embarrassing moments.. heck we even make our dreams so big sometimes it seems impossible!

But today is all about BREAKING THINGS DOWN.

?What is one small step I can take today to create positive change in my life?
?Now what’s an EVEN SMALLER step I can take to create positive change?
?Name one person with whom I can share my creative vision with.

Dare to dream big. Go wild. We only have one life after all! Just make sure you follow up with easy, actionable steps.

Pictured in this post is a creative passion that has been bursting at the seams! Remember how I said what is one small step toward your said goal? Well for me I knew I wanted to create jewelry with intention. If I was going to wear jewelry I felt was sacred and close to my heart, I needed to know where it was coming from and from whom. That was when I decided I wanted to design and make my own jewelry line, and the one small step I took was 1 hour of research a day. Yup, that’s it! My first small step was to set a time limit of 1 hour of research a day. Whether it was for sourcing, how to, the best materials, etc. I knew I only needed to fulfill 1 hour each day until I felt comfortable enough to move on to the next small step.

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Designing these beauties from the aesthetic, how it wears, but most importantly the perfect combination of stones that speaks to a specific blend of energy is what gets me going. No huge shop, just me following what floats my boat and meeting strangers on the street! (Yes, I’ve met a few people who wanted to know where these were from)

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And what I’ve been loving the most is connecting with other beautiful souls in a whole new way to better understand what stones can help their current season in life or what they hope to bring into their life in the next season❤

So remember to celebrate the small wins, and besides… what have you got to lose anyway? ????

