When You Do The Work, Life Unfolds In Mysterious Ways

I am in no way a manifestation coach but one thing is for SURE. When you are performing at the highest level of how you think and feel, and your body, mind, and soul are aligned…Things like this are no longer a surprise.

Stress Management for Busy Professionals

Thankful and in honored I get to witness this on a weekly basis.

Whatever it is you are looking to unlock in your life, whether it’s love, career, health, or mindset, let this be the sign you have been looking for!

Go and FIND the right person who will help GET YOU THERE!

And if you need a stellar Stress Management Coach send me a message and let’s get on the phone.

Life is too short to wonder what if…. go out and kick start your own future.

In wellness,


Stress and Overeating Coach

The Power Of Your Own Personal Board Of Directors

Visualization is a powerful tool.

Oftentimes when we visualize we are allowing for possibilities to arise; we are allowing for our brain to prime itself for what is possible.

I like to follow a visualization practice created by Napoleon Hill.

He essentially invites you to create your own, personal board of directors.

Think of the people in your life who inspire you. They can be dead or alive.

Maybe you listen to their podcast religiously, maybe you have all of their books, maybe they are a real life mentor at work…

These people all emulate a part of you that exists inside you, but need more development.

When you visualize yourself at the head of the table presenting a problem, imagine these people giving you their biggest advice.

You will find yourself with deep, deep knowledge of how they would tackle any problem, issue in life, or any circumstance you present them with.

What you will realize is that the answers are always within you. Sometimes we need to get out of our own mind in order to find them, but the answers are always within.

So, who would be your personal board of directors?

In wellness,
