I remember a time, after I first saw the cortisol test results, of scouring the internets in search of some testimony to how someone out there cured their adrenal fatigue. Anything. A book, a pill, a guru, yes… I was desperate.
I wrote about how I felt despair and a whole host of other emotions in previous posts and how at the end of the day, it was the core thoughts, beliefs and emotions that I needed to switch up in order to truly make recovery in leaps and bounds.
While I don’t discount the professionals I consulted and the plans I was on to help heal the adrenals, it all couldn’t have been possible without being at peace first.
Yes, thought management.
All that said, I do remember how I felt hoping I could find some source of information that could accelerate my path to recovery, and thought I should share a bit more on the supplements side of things.
Continue reading “How I Recovered from Adrenal Fatigue Pt. 4”