When you think about the most powerful tool you have, what comes to mind?
or maybe
Yes, those things can get you a lot in life.
But none of those things would matter if we didn’t give it the meaning we are capable of giving it.
You see, our brains have the capacity to project whatever it is we want to see.
If you see time as hurried and scarce, that will be how you experience your life.
Thanks to the frequency illusion, we will only notice when time seems limited or scarce. Our minds will say, “See! I told you so! There is never enough time in the day!”. When really, there were moments when we were scrolling Facebook or checking our phones for new notifications multiple times a day.
And do you want to know why this is the case?
Because our thoughts are how we experience our life.
If you believe your happiness is based on the results from your job, then your happiness WILL be based on the results from your job.
If you believe love is hard to find, then love will be hard to find.
If you believe money flows to you easily, then money will flow to you easily.
If you believe you were meant for something big and purposeful, then your life will be big and purposeful.
You see, a part of our brain, the subconscious mind, always performs FOR YOU. It will never say no. It’s only job is to follow your orders.
And where do orders come from?
Our thoughts and feelings.
Where do feelings come from?
So let’s be real clear and honest… everything starts with your thoughts. It starts in your brain first.
Time, money, love, and whatever else you listed at the start of this post is powerful to you because you gave it meaning from a thought you had about it.
Now the big question is, are you choosing your thoughts or are your thoughts choosing you?
This is a trick question because…
… the illusion and major misconception that most people think is that our thoughts choose us.

Thoughts do not choose us; thoughts don’t just happen to us. We are the thinker of our thoughts. We are the creative force that gets to think whatever we choose.
Once you understand this crucial piece of knowledge, there is no unlearning this.
When you can harness the creative power you are and the most powerful asset you have – your brain, you are now stepping into the true seat of personal power.
How will you choose to change your life one thought at a time?
In wellness,