Interview with Mia Danielle and Susan Choi, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

Interview with Mia Danielle of Minimalism + Intentional Living

I had the lovely opportunity to be interviewed by the Mia Danielle of Minimalism + Intentional Living.

As a person who strives to be minimal, to meet a minimalist who also shares my passion for neuroscience was my idea of an incredibly fun time!

I share my story about my greatest teacher, what adrenal fatigue is, and how to see any situation for what it really is.

In conclusion, circumstances are never the problem, it is our thoughts about it that cause us massive unnecessary suffering and stress in our lives.

In wellness,


Spring Cleaning

As mentioned a few posts ago I’ve re-located back to Seattle! For a while I considered this a temporary “stay”, but given the future is in God’s hands I couldn’t live my life in limbo so I decided to permanently re-locate and see what unfolds. ?

In the past, limbo was normal. In fact, limbo would have been the DREAM. I loved being on the go and traveling was a desired experience. Except this time around I needed rooting, and what better place than home?

When I first left Seattle to live in San Francisco all I brought with me was my car packed with a suitcase full of clothes, kitchen appliances like my crockpot and rice cooker (a girl’s gotta eat!), and even TP.. yes, toilet paper!

This meant that I kept my room exactly, and I mean exactly the way it was.

A lot has changed in the last few years and I’ve quite preferred the “spark joy” way of living.

What is spark joy?

Continue reading “Spring Cleaning”

Does Money Buy Happiness?

With money you can buy a house, but not a home.

With money you can buy a clock, but not time.

With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep.

With money you can buy a book, but not knowledge.

With money you can buy a doctor, but not good health.

With money you can buy a position, but not respect.

With money you can buy blood, but not life.

With money you can buy sex, but not love.

~Chinese proverb

Living an Uncluttered Life for Inner Peace

When I first moved to San Francisco I only took what I truly needed. And when I say “took” I mean, everything was packed into my car and I still had room to boot. Why? I had no idea whether I’d still want to live in San Francisco in a year and did not want to deal with moving anything to my next destination.

What I didn’t realize by doing this is how much peace I would have in my life.

Once I had unpacked the boxes, all within 1-2 hours, I looked around the space and just smiled. I felt a lightness within myself and particularly within my mind!

What I felt coming home everyday, and knowing exactly where everything was and why, cleared any clutter I had in my head. If you can imagine your brain as a physical space it’s as if 80% of it was now released from unnecessary  items and available for your own inner peace.

I had no idea the release of physical items could have a mental release. WHOOSH. Space. Quietness. Mindfulness.

Unknowingly this started an intenion of living simply.

Continue reading “Living an Uncluttered Life for Inner Peace”