My Morning Cup o’ Joe

I love watching the rhythm and shifts one goes through. I’ve been enjoying my morning green smoothie bowl for quite some time now and most recently this morning smoothie bowl has shifted to a lunch smoothie bowl ?

I’ve been noticing this subtle shift of slowing down even more and wanting to really enjoy the quiet time in the mornings. For me, this looks like spending an extra 30 minutes for breathwork, sitting, listening to a podcast or a mix of all three.

And since these days I’d rather spend the time in reflection I decided to decrease the amount of time spent in the kitchen (even more) PLUS get the benefits of getting enough calories in to start the day via bulletproof(ish) coffee.

Bulletproofish Coffee

This creamy concoction has many recipes out there but lately I’ve been keeping it simple:

  • 2 tbsp collagen (Great Lakes Gelatin)
  • 1 tbsp Spectrum coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream (local & pastured)
  • Pinch of seasalt
  • Coffee (in my case decaf)

It was a drizzly Seattle morning and that always makes drinking this mix extra good!

How have you been noticing subtle shifts or daily routines? Any must dos in the mornings you love to incorporate to start the day fresh?

From my morning to yours.


Green Smoothie Bowl

My Morning Green Smoothie Bowl

Lately I have been in LOVE with this green smoothie bowl that I’ve been making, and I’ve been enjoying this every  morning for the past few weeks. I just can’t get enough!

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Maybe it’s because Spring is in full force here in Seattle but with the sun and warmer weather finally making it’s grand entrance I’ve felt a shift in the types of food my body wants.

This delicious breakfast has been such a treat in the morning and I wanted to share the recipe… let me know what you think and how you made mods to fit YOUR needs! 🙂

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