Loving Summer Mornings

Honestly I love so many parts of the day: the growing heat of a mid-summer’s afternoon, the way the light fades to dark and you sense the coolness of the evening, making hot tea and reading in bed… but lately one of my most FAVORITE parts of the day is the morning.

Since the days are that much longer here in the Pacific Northwest, the sunrises at 5:12am (on the day of this post) and my body naturally begins to rise around 6am. That means even more time where I get to spend truly just being in silence.

I savor making my morning decaf coffee and what I call my “poppin’ collagen latte”. You can’t see it poppin’ in the picture but trust me, it’s poppin’!

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But before I start sipping, while the coffee is dripping (oops didn’t mean to rhyme!) I’ll step outside and soak up a few delicious rays… hear the birds chirp… see how much the grass has grown… it’s all truly beautiful. Then as I sip, it’s time for stretching, yoga, and listening to podcasts as I get ready.

And what about breakfast? Well… I’ve written about my morning smoothie bowls but here’s a picture from Monday’s smoothie bowl deliciousness 🙂

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Those added blueberries were just…. sigh. Heaven.

Mornings are so precious to me. It’s a time to check in and mentally prepare for the day (before everyone and everything clamors for your attention).

How about you?

What’s your favorite part of the day? How do you cultivate more YOU time and what does it look like for you?



My Morning Cup o’ Joe

I love watching the rhythm and shifts one goes through. I’ve been enjoying my morning green smoothie bowl for quite some time now and most recently this morning smoothie bowl has shifted to a lunch smoothie bowl ?

I’ve been noticing this subtle shift of slowing down even more and wanting to really enjoy the quiet time in the mornings. For me, this looks like spending an extra 30 minutes for breathwork, sitting, listening to a podcast or a mix of all three.

And since these days I’d rather spend the time in reflection I decided to decrease the amount of time spent in the kitchen (even more) PLUS get the benefits of getting enough calories in to start the day via bulletproof(ish) coffee.

Bulletproofish Coffee

This creamy concoction has many recipes out there but lately I’ve been keeping it simple:

  • 2 tbsp collagen (Great Lakes Gelatin)
  • 1 tbsp Spectrum coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream (local & pastured)
  • Pinch of seasalt
  • Coffee (in my case decaf)

It was a drizzly Seattle morning and that always makes drinking this mix extra good!

How have you been noticing subtle shifts or daily routines? Any must dos in the mornings you love to incorporate to start the day fresh?

From my morning to yours.
