Sage cleansing

What Is Collaboration Really?

What would the world look like if we surrendered concepts such as “yours” and “mine”? How different would we approach each other and how much more would we collaborate?

To me, collaboration is the essence of life. It’s the surrendering of these concepts “yours” and “mine”.

It’s understanding there is a slice of pie for EVERYONE at the table. This way of collaboration implies we are ONE, like a wave in an ocean, working toward a common goal or from the same heart space.

No need for jealousy, yearning, or craving because universally what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is already yours ❤ At the end of the day we are all craving STATES, resources we all have within us, and I can guarantee we all have the ability to access these states such as love, freedom, and peace. You are already these things. No more searching or looking outside you. You are already perfect.

I’m not going to sugar coat. It takes work. It takes support. It takes know how and practicality with actual tools and frameworks. But what I am here to tell you today is that it’s possible. It’s possible because it’s already within YOU. Yes, YOU hold these resources. You already are these resources. Feel my passion yet? 😉

As Francis of Assisi would say, “The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.”

In wellness,

Black Onyx and Amazonite Protection Stack. Hand made with real, high quality crystal beads. Sage cleansed and high vibe.

Powerful Questions Pt. 5

In lieu of Friday Focus I wanted to wrap up the Powerful Questions series with our last set of questions. I couldn’t be more excited for this because this is where we get to take ACTION.

Being a type A person taking action is my jam. This is the time where we now understand what it is we desire and what it was that was holding us back.

Oftentimes we make everything big in our minds: our fears, our embarrassing moments.. heck we even make our dreams so big sometimes it seems impossible!

But today is all about BREAKING THINGS DOWN.

?What is one small step I can take today to create positive change in my life?
?Now what’s an EVEN SMALLER step I can take to create positive change?
?Name one person with whom I can share my creative vision with.

Dare to dream big. Go wild. We only have one life after all! Just make sure you follow up with easy, actionable steps.

Pictured in this post is a creative passion that has been bursting at the seams! Remember how I said what is one small step toward your said goal? Well for me I knew I wanted to create jewelry with intention. If I was going to wear jewelry I felt was sacred and close to my heart, I needed to know where it was coming from and from whom. That was when I decided I wanted to design and make my own jewelry line, and the one small step I took was 1 hour of research a day. Yup, that’s it! My first small step was to set a time limit of 1 hour of research a day. Whether it was for sourcing, how to, the best materials, etc. I knew I only needed to fulfill 1 hour each day until I felt comfortable enough to move on to the next small step.

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Designing these beauties from the aesthetic, how it wears, but most importantly the perfect combination of stones that speaks to a specific blend of energy is what gets me going. No huge shop, just me following what floats my boat and meeting strangers on the street! (Yes, I’ve met a few people who wanted to know where these were from)

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And what I’ve been loving the most is connecting with other beautiful souls in a whole new way to better understand what stones can help their current season in life or what they hope to bring into their life in the next season❤

So remember to celebrate the small wins, and besides… what have you got to lose anyway? ????



Yoga at Gas Works Park, Seattle.

Powerful Questions Pt. 3

It’s day 3 of Powerful Questions, has anything come up for you?

Regardless of whether or not big, hard answers have been revealed, don’t fret.. trust me, your mind is now primed and thinking of creative solutions for YOU.

I absolutely love today’s set of questions because it’s all around RISKS. So scary but oh so good for your soul! Here we go:

? Where in my life can I take more risks?
? What is one thing I have always wanted to do or try but never did?
? How can I let loose, just a little, so that I can fully be present for the moment instead of thinking of a future moment?

I’ve always found that the one thing you might be nervous about trying or doing ALWAYS comes back to remind you. Take some time to honor the nudge and discover what it can reveal for you.

In other news Seattle is going through a MAJOR dry streak and I am melting! Usually I can handle all sorts of heat and humidity but this heat has me thinking of all sorts of ice cold beverages and delicious desserts. So of course I made myself a chocolate horchata milkshake! A little too good to be dangerous 😉

In wellness,

Powerful Questions Pt. 2

Day 2 is here! In an effort to create space for powerful questions I wanted to continue exploring prompts around creation and how we can show up in the world in a more authentic way. Are you ready?

? In what ways do I diminish my light?
? Is it around certain people or activities?
? How can I show up in this world and be even more of my authentic self?
? Why is this important for me?
? What am I afraid of?

Notice whether anything new came up for you or whether there is a specific pattern that keeps coming up. Whether you believe in the stars, the moon, or your vitamix these are all powerful questions you can use to check in with yourself from time to time ???

And remember, no judgement… only awareness is needed to make positive change. Judgement only keep you stuck in the place you want to move away from.

In other news a dear friend of mine had gotten some tickets to Bruno Mars last minute and invited me to go along for the ride, and boy was I excited! Speaking of light, Bruno thank you for your magic, your voice, and for sharing a part of your light. Still can’t believe that was all live.. ???

Excited to share Day 3 in our series of Powerful Questions relating to your creative side and how you show up in this beautiful world.

In wellness,

Powerful Questions Pt. 1

This week I wanted to do something a little special.

Have you ever found that asking powerful questions can help clarify thoughts and feelings? They certainly have for me, and with the New Moon in Leo (first of two!) I wanted to honor this new energy by asking a few powerful questions everyday this week.

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These questions will relate to how you honor your own creative forces, and how you show up in the world. I don’t know about you but my own creative energies have been on FIRE lately!

Most importantly, with deep reflection it may even reveal how you actually WANT to show up in the world. Make sure you spend at least 5 minutes asking your deeper self to show you your most authentic and honest answers. Center the mind and allow time for self reflection.

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Are you ready?

? Where have I been neglecting my creative outlets?
? When have I noticed my pulse racing a little thinking of doing something new?
? If I have, what are the qualities of these activities?
? Are they entrepreneurial? Activity based? Connection based? Health based? Art based?

(Pictures of the beautiful Wishing Tree nestled in the neighborhood of Capital Hill. You should check it out if you’re in the area ?)

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I did these myself and absolutely LOVED the process. For me, my love for photography has been coming back in ways I never expected! I’ve been making it a point to bring my professional camera along with me because I never know what I might find inspiring while meeting up with a friend. In addition, I have been deeply considering creating a women’s group in the North Seattle area. I’m still working through the main concept and what intentions I’d like for this special group, but thought I would share with you all some of my creative ideas that have come up in the last couple of days and weeks.

How about you? Any big truths or hints come up for you? You’d be surprised at what comes up if you really honor the time to reflect ✏❤?

In wellness,


Friday Focus – 7/21/17 {How Big Are You Dreaming?}

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

~Albert Einstein

This week’s focus is about DREAMING. To focus on what your dreams look like, to begin to feel into it, and to be in gratitude of this life we get to live.

How big are you dreaming? Are you letting yourself play? Allowing room for fantasy, dreaming, and letting your imagination go wild?

Go ahead, feed your soul. For just 5 minutes today give yourself room to imagine. I find it happens best when I am writing it out on paper and then creating mental pictures in my mind. Nothing is too little to be noted!

Allow yourself to be the star in your movie. Feel your way until you smile so big you can’t seem to erase it. And just as easily as you created those feelings in 5 minutes, know that these feelings are yours even in this moment without the attainment of _______.

Remember: YOU are the creative being of your life experience. Create what your heart desires my friend.


Approval & Acceptance

Approval and acceptance. It’s such a hard thing to get away from isn’t it?

When you are going about your daily life or making key decisions (that ultimately will change the direction of your life) ask yourself this question: if you need these two from anyone other than yourself to make you “ok” or “happy” are you ready for the roller coaster? And by roller coaster I mean the worst one you can possibly imagine!

Just remember this one thing: to need approval or acceptance from anyone implies there is lack, but how can that be when you’re already perfect?

Once you have accepted this and are willing to change, fundamentally, how you look at approval and acceptance, has begun to change; pat yourself on the back. That is half the battle. However, understanding how human nature and psychology works this new belief now needs to be set in the brain. You must set new patterns to break old ones.

Just as you practiced the old beliefs around approval and acceptance you must practice the new, positive, truer belief around approval and acceptance.

Just remember that change is possible and you are already perfect.


Friday Focus – 7/14/17 {Stay In Your Lane}

Good morning beautiful people! It’s absolutely stunning here in Seattle on this magical Friday morning. I hope no matter what season it is in your area you are diving into the weekend with an expanded heart and inspiration.

This week’s theme came to me suddenly but resonated deeply. I may have written about this before but I always welcome the reminder, and it is this:

The time spent worrying or thinking about what others feel/think/act/say to you is their business. Stay in your lane and keep your eyes on your business. 

Take a moment to truly ask yourself, “is this really true?”. No matter what worries you, ask yourself this question. How much of what is going on in your head are your own projections, worries, and fears?

Remember no judgement, only awareness.

As we dive into the weekend take a moment to pause and ask yourself this question whenever you come up against a resistance. Oftentimes you will find the thought you were just thinking is either based in the past or is a future projection. And what a relief that is!

You are free in THIS moment.

May you find a bit more peace, love, and laughter as you head into the weekend.



Photo by Tanner Larsen

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.

~Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

Gives you the shivers doesn’t it?

So I ask again, who are you not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? What are the limiting beliefs (and therefore illusory truths) that are holding you back?

Take a moment and take inventory of each decision during the course of a day. Imagine these decisions as branches of a tree; where are these branches stemming from? What is the basis (beliefs) of these decisions and how deep do those roots go?

Remember, change can happen but it takes work. Knowing how to catch the beliefs is half the battle and everyone, yes everyone, is capable of creating this change.

In the meantime I implore you to ask yourself two questions today:

  • How are you playing big today?
  • What is one small step you can take toward your true self?

In wellness,


Language & Beliefs

Your language is a window into your beliefs, and your beliefs are a window into your vibrational state. Take a moment today to identify FIRST where you want to be and how you want to feel, and now reverse engineer the process.

It’s so simple yet incredibly true and powerful when you do the work. Take a quiet moment to think about how you want to feel and then use the beliefs and language you need to support this.

In other news, I’ve been writing a lot about quiet time and creativity, and my creativity is exploding! Let me share this beautiful creation with you:

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Creating this mala took hours. From the time it takes to intentionally sit with each stone and feel what it is you are drawn to, designing the mala, and then of course hand knotting each bead and pouring your intention into it. It’s quite meditative and such a beautiful process.

Did you know that Rose Quartz is one of the most popular stones for it’s loving qualities? This stone encourages love, nurturing, and warmth, and vibrates at the heart chakra and is a vibration of a high, deep love. It is often helpful for emotional healing as well as faith and hope.

And the Opal Quartz is a stone that inspires hope, creativity, and imagination. Due to it’s larger proportion of the water element, Opal is known to provide deep support during times of transition or hardship. This stone is also said to be a stone of love, helping a still heart to receive and give love, warmth, and peace. Opal has a sense of fragility, lightness, and yet a fierceness as the way the light dances to the spectrum of colors within each Opal stone. This stone also enhances cosmic and psychic consciousness, while cleansing the aura.

I thought the combination of Rose and Opal was perfect.

I’ll be spending some time creating more of these beauties and starting a ceramics class as well, but don’t worry, when I have a burning desire to share knowledge for positive change and growth you can be sure the Blog will be the first place I post.

In loving kindness,
