Embodying Your Intentions & Taking One Small Step

There’s always something about the first few weeks of the new year that makes it special. You’re still in awe of how the last year flew by, and in a way, motivated to make the most out of this one. I know I certainly am.

While most traditions call for new year resolutions I’ve become a believer of setting intentions instead. Why? Because intentions inherently focus on the positive qualities we want to imbue, not the “thing” we must strive for (aka resolutions).

Now the exception to this rule is if you are the type of person that absolutely gets pumped over resolutions.

No seriously! I can’t stress enough how important it is to know thy self. No one can tell you what’s right and wrong for you – only you know what works, and yes, while this evolves over time as you do – only you can know what’s right for you in any moment when you truly connect with your deepest self.

After you’ve set your intention, imagine how it would feel to embody those qualities of said intention by asking yourself these powerful questions:

  • What qualities do you need to feel good carrying out your intention? List as many as you can.
  • What sensations and/or emotions do you feel?
  • Where in your body do you feel them? Describe every detail of how it feels!
  • How do you perceive the world differently? What’s changed specifically?
  • What does your voice sound like when you are interacting with others?
  • What would it look like in your actions/interactions with others? What are the differences in how you view yourself?

And of course, the pivotal question to get you started – what is the one small step you can take for yourself?

Whether it’s:

  • lighting a candle to start a personal QT (quality time) practice
  • flossing your two front teeth
  • setting an alarm to meditate for ONE minute
  • preparing ONE healthy meal for yourself during the week
  • praising ONE person during the week to help elevate another person
  • taking 5 deep breaths a day to start a breathing practice
  • drinking ONE tall glass of water during the day

Do you see how taking one small step allows for easy, quick accomplishments? This rewards the brain center and suddenly any blocks or fears around whether or not the “goal” is truly achievable lessens with every small win.

Whenever I want to incorporate a new aspect into my lifestyle this is exactly what I do.

  1. First, I meditate on what it is I truly want. Rather than focusing on a certain goal, I focus on my intention. What is the deeper meaning behind incorporating this into my life?
  2. I then look at the qualities of what it is I want to incorporate. Is it more love? peace? joy? strength? determination?
  3. I look to the one small step I can take to make it an easy win
  4. Repeat step 3 🙂

If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to take a deep review of what it is you truly want more of in your life this year. Often times, you may even notice your qualities end up being your intention and that is OK as well!

Here’s to the turtle that always wins the race 🙂

In wellness,


Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash


Happy NEW Year!

As cliche as it sounds, time seems to FLY BY with greater speed and gusto every single year, and 2017 was no exception.

And knowing that, I plan to love more, live more, laugh more, joy more, peace more with all my heart and every fiber of my being.

2018, I am ready for you.

Wishing you all the same and more.

In wellness,


Photo by Carlos Domínguez on Unsplash

Friday Focus – 12/1/17 {Living With Complacency Or Finally Making CHANGE!}

I am beyond excited about a couple of things. For one, it’s DECEMBER. To be honest, I didn’t really feel like it was the holidays just yet. But something hit me yesterday… maybe it was all the neighborhood decorations, the overall mood of this city, or sitting at Starbucks reading Peter Levine’s Trauma and Memory while Christmas music was playing in the background. Either way, I am FEELING IT and excited to give this last month of 2017 100%.

Second of all, it’s Friday Focus and today – I wanted to talk about something that I have been feeling passionate about ALL WEEK. Clearly I have a lot of passion in general these days given the number of CAPS I’ve been using so far in this post 😉

Ok, so for this week’s Friday Focus I wanted to talk about PATTERNS.

Yes, I write about patterns – a lot. But what I want to drive home today, especially since a lot of people will be reflecting on this past year and working on New Year resolutions, is the idea around pattern recognition and why change ensues (or doesn’t).

Can we for one moment have a come to Jesus moment about our patterns? It’s one thing to say, “Oh yea, I kind of do that don’t I?” and grin at your friend, it’s a complete other thing when you actually recognize the pattern and the EFFECT it has on your life and most importantly the outcome.

Which outcome, or area in your life are you unsatisfied with? You see it every single year and yet, no change. Why? No really, WHY?

Scrutinize your patterns. There is an underlying emotion that is prohibiting you from stepping forward and making progress. Did you know that?

Often times, we say we want to make change in our lives and yet, we know deep, deep down we won’t do anything about it. And to be honest, that’s ok.

You see, we have to be completely READY for change to actually happen. No matter how hard you consciously try, if your subconscious doesn’t believe you, then unfortunately change won’t happen.

I actually LOVE telling people this because it’s the wakeup call that everyone needs to hear to A) either come to peace with the complacency and stop the mental shaming or B) grit their teeth and believe it to their bones that they are actually ready for CHANGE.

Isn’t that empowering? I mean, either way…. Now the power is truly in your hands!

Ok, this was sort of a love rant because I truly do care. I mean hey, we’ve all been there where we wanted to see change in one area of our life but couldn’t figure out why. This is one big hint as to why that might be the case!

When you have a moment to reflect, jot down the patterns. See where you are held up, where things aren’t flowing, and try to understand yourself a little more. It’s the one small step toward change you can make today before understanding the type of change agent you need to seek 💗

In deep wellness,


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash