New York

Oh New York, how do I describe you?

I just returned from an intensive diving deep into the world of change work, NLP, unconscious mind training, neuroscience, embodied cognition, and so much more. Having experienced this work firsthand, months prior, undoubtedly allowed me to take these new findings to a whole other level. A level to where I have seen its effectiveness and how my current practice and frameworks are not only compatible, but strengthened with this new information.

Despite having around 3 hours of sleep a night (I blame it on the broken service door on our floor at the hotel. Every time room service needed to access the room, the door would slam shut and rattle all the other doors on our floor! But I digress…?) my energy levels have never been higher! The pure energy one feels when you know you are making an incredible difference in peoples lives is exhilarating.

Thank you to all my teachers, students, colleagues, friends, and to every single person (stranger or not) I met in New York – THANK YOU! Your kindness is mindblowingly heart warming and I can’t wait to be back.

With much love,




A Student Of Life. Always

What do you love learning? In what ways do you learn best? Workshops? Online? YouTube? 1:1?

For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with learning. When I was a little kid I would go to the library and eat up all the books ranging from nature, science, travel, culture, and of course all the fiction I can handle (SVH or Goosebumps anyone?!)

To this day, I listen to podcasts any moment I am not singularly focused on something. As I get ready in the morning, while I’m cooking or cleaning, and definitely when I am commuting. It’s the perfect opportunity to gain new perspectives and learn something new! And it doesn’t stop there, I watch online seminars, consume large amount of literature, and sign up for workshops.

I am a student of life. Always. Because I believe we are evolving every minute of every day and discovery & growth is at our fingertips if we’re open and willing to learn.

Tomorrow, I head to New York for an intensive on coaching the unconscious mind. I am in love with it already. We will be learning everything from re-wiring old programs, neutralizing triggers, rapid change techniques for working with emotions, and more. ?

I can’t wait to share what I learn ?.

