Play in the field of Greatness. Mobile wallpaper

Friday Focus – 8/25/17 {When You Can’t Stop The Stress}

“What do you do when you know what to do, but you can’t help but let the stress get to you?”

“The suffering comes when you resist the current situation. What are you trying to change?”

“I feel as if I know enough intellectually not to stress out too much about things, and knowing this should help me in most situations… but I keep stressing and the stressing is stressing me out even more!”

“What is the goal?”

“The goal is to stop stressing!”

“This goal cannot be achieved right now. You are fighting against the current flow of life. Fighting against the flow of life creates even more resistance. Turn your vision around and go with the flow. Stress? What is so bad about stress? It is our identified stories and fears around a situation that creates stress and therefore keep us in suffering. “Stress” is not what is driving you mad, it is your identification to something or someone”


So much of our suffering comes from desiring a different “current situation”. Can we sit in THIS moment and feel the gratitude of our breath? The sun on our face? The ability to call our loved ones and tell them how much we love them? To hug our beloved dog? To walk outside in nature and feel the beating heart of Mother Earth?

If you find yourself identifying to the student above ask yourself these following questions:

  • What am I needing to change to feel better?
  • Can I have faith that this too shall pass?
  • Can I breathe and with each exhale deepen my faith in the Universe’s ability to handle things perfectly?

No matter the situation, let us find a bit of peace in knowing we are taken care of – always.

In wellness,


Somewhere along the Pacific coast line

When You’re Stuck In Fear

Oftentimes when working with clients we come across a situation, and it could be the most mundane situation, and yet the mind can’t seem to loosen it’s grip on it.

Whether it’s from a traumatizing experience, or perhaps the client is already in a stressful situation, or maybe it’s hitting a very sensitive part of the client’s soul – a part of them that needs X to feel secure and safe.

Regardless of how hard the grip is we have to remind ourselves that our brain is programmed to behave this way thanks to how smart we are and the years of repetitive Miracle Combo’ing we do.

What is the Miracle Combo? MC is when you behave in such a way that actively engages the thought with a rush of feeling & emotion throughout the body while repeating this action until it begins to groove a new path in your neural network. It’s the Miracle Combo I’ve seen work over and over again whether you use it to define a new, positive neural pathway or hard-wire a negative pathway.

But back to fear. We need to realize fear is nothing but:

  • a familiar state we innately have within us
  • a state that needs to be acknowledged, not pushed away
  • a state that is trying to protect us

When we objectively look at what is causing us fear, it is typically not even in present RIGHT NOW. It is typically a future state our minds wander to and gets stuck with repetitive thinking.

Fear becomes bigger in our minds because it suddenly becomes the pure focus of our attention. Remember that phrase, “what you focus on grows”? Well, it’s true. So in order for this not to get any bigger than it actually is you need to acknowledge the fearful state and accept it. Instead, what most people do is try to control the fear, not think about the fear, or fix the problem.

Thankfully there are several NLP techniques and coaching frameworks (a hyper focused awareness session is one of my favorites for calming the mind and inducing beta/theta states) to help each individual person identify what works best for them when it comes to their unique fear. For one person it may be simple as shifting their unconscious attention by way of bilateral stimulation, or perhaps it’s tapping the meridians as a way to release stuck energy, or using self hypnosis to speak to the unconscious mind.

If you’re stuck in a fearful state just know there is a way to peace. Let this be a reminder to you that your LIGHT is much bigger than any fearful thought. That your fear is nothing but a small part of you that wants to seek and be in Love. That this fear doesn’t define who you actually are.

You are light. You are divine. You are whole. You are always held by something so much greater than we can possibly imagine.

With love,


What To Do If You’re An Empath

  1. Do you find yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or flighty after meeting new people or being in a large group?
  2. Do you find it hard to get rid of these emotions you didn’t necessarily feel before?
  3. Do you oftentimes get confused as to whether or not you really feel any of this and find yourself questioning what is really going on?
  4. Do you feel like a pendulum when it comes to emotions? Feeling all the highs and all the lows?

If you responded yes to any of the questions above it could be an indication of your empathic nature. While it’s great to feel into situations and people so quickly, what’s not great is not knowing what to do when people shed all of their energy on to you to soak up.

As an Empath, you may not know what to do when it comes to releasing what’s not yours. Or may you do know what to do but it doesn’t seem to work.

While every Empath is different from one another, I thought I’d share a few techniques that work for me. Keep in mind you may need to try these techniques a couple of times in order to get used to a new technique or perhaps find a tweak that works perfectly for YOU.

  • Faster EFT. If you haven’t heard of tapping find someone who can teach you or ask Google to teach you. In my case, I found it immensely helpful to learn from someone. Essentially you are tapping on major meridian points along your face and chest to release the specific emotion or thought from the situation that is causing you to feel an undesired emotion. Imagine all the negative emotion draining away from your body! It’s astonishing how quickly it works and you can apply it to just about any situation you come across, not just empathic episodes.
  • Grounding/Earthing. I find this to be therapeutic as well. I wrote about Tree Medicine in an earlier blog post and there are many ways to ground yourself. Energetically we are surrounded my technology and of course other people’s energy and the Earth (think of a magnet) has the ability to absorb that which you don’t need. How wonderful is Mother Nature? Plant your bare feet into the sand, dirt, or grass. Feel the waves of relaxation come over you as you feel every drop of negative energy which does not serve you seeping into the ground beneath you. It’s Mother Nature’s caring way.
  • Connect to the Highest Love. This is by far my favorite and most impactful. Have you ever cried without even thinking about it when something touched your heart so much? Felt the pang of deep stirring within your heart from something you saw, felt, or read? This is connecting to the Highest Love. This kind of Love is so deep and so real you suddenly realize what you are carrying isn’t even REAL. What you are trying to rationalize in your mind doesn’t even MATTER. This Highest Love, which is in all of us, doesn’t care about what just happened, all it cares about is bringing you to the TRUTH of who you are, and only you know what this Truth is. You can connect to your Highest Love in a number of ways:
    • Hugging someone you deeply love and care about
    • Talking to God and letting him know how much you love him/her
    • Breathing deeply and getting still; knowing this Higher Love is within you always
    • Doing something you absolutely love for 15 minutes (yes 15 minutes); for me it’s working with CLAY
    • Last but not least any of the two suggestions above

At the end of the day don’t despair. Nothing is permanent in this world and neither are these feelings.

As humans it is our job to learn and evolve so if you’re new to your superpowers as an Empath or you’ve been on this journey and still trying to figure it out, just know you are fully capable of making positive change in your life. Surround yourself with your own network of guides and teachers, and most importantly believe change is possible.

In wellness,


Patterns That Rule Your Life

Happy Monday beautiful people!

Today I woke up inspired to share an absolute TRUTH of mine in hopes of sparking inspiration and positive change in your life starting today.

Did you know our entire lives are made up by patterns?


Patterned Behavior. Patterned Speech. Patterned Thoughts.

If you observe carefully you will notice that without fail one of these influences the other which influences the other until it reaches full circle and there you have the predictive results of our lives.

Why is it then that we always aim to change the outcome yet fail to get the desired results?

It’s simple. We have yet to change our neural pathway for the new pattern to exist.

Thankfully, you don’t have to willpower your way through this. Whether it’s losing weight, becoming a happier person, stressing less, etc. you don’t have to grit your teeth through the process.

If you desire the change at your CORE you are already half way there. Through NLP (neuro linguistic programming), focused awareness techniques, and self hypnosis work you, yes YOU, can make a positive change and begin living your BEST LIFE.

I firmly believe we are all capable of making the change we desire. This is a crucial first step toward success.

The bigger question is, do you? If there is even a hint of yes in you then you are more than capable of making the change you desire in your life.

Have faith, do the work, be mindful of where your thoughts take you, and equally as important, hand select and surround yourself with your very own network of guides, teachers, and angels.

In wellness,


Adventure & Mindset

​”A grand adventure is about to begin.”

~Winnie the Pooh

How often do you wake up and view life as an adventure? An untold story waiting to unfold?

The first few moments of waking up from your dreamy, hypnotic state is the best time to daydream into your adventures. Allow your mind to relax knowing you are held. 

Remember, there is no need to control anything, except for the allowing of what is in complete surrender and faith.


Milky Way

The Never Forget List


? Be bold
? Define what happiness, your role, your life looks like, and insist on it
? Own your yes and own your no
? Do not fear failure
? Stay detached

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Taken at Haleakala, Maui

This list was written years ago and often changes but I keep it handy for the turbulent times, the fearful times, or the times when I suddenly feel off kilter so that I can find my voice amidst the storm.

There are many other ways to find your voice, this is simply one of the easiest ways I personally deploy as a quick and easy reminder by having it as one of my notes on my phone.

Here’s a simple exercise to get you started on your list.. what’s ONE thing you never want to forget? No matter what is happening in your life, what is the ONE thing you never want to lose sight of in ordinary, and of course the not so ordinary moments?

I encourage everyone to take some time to think of their list. You may be surprised to see what you find 😉



Sage cleansing

What Is Collaboration Really?

What would the world look like if we surrendered concepts such as “yours” and “mine”? How different would we approach each other and how much more would we collaborate?

To me, collaboration is the essence of life. It’s the surrendering of these concepts “yours” and “mine”.

It’s understanding there is a slice of pie for EVERYONE at the table. This way of collaboration implies we are ONE, like a wave in an ocean, working toward a common goal or from the same heart space.

No need for jealousy, yearning, or craving because universally what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is already yours ❤ At the end of the day we are all craving STATES, resources we all have within us, and I can guarantee we all have the ability to access these states such as love, freedom, and peace. You are already these things. No more searching or looking outside you. You are already perfect.

I’m not going to sugar coat. It takes work. It takes support. It takes know how and practicality with actual tools and frameworks. But what I am here to tell you today is that it’s possible. It’s possible because it’s already within YOU. Yes, YOU hold these resources. You already are these resources. Feel my passion yet? 😉

As Francis of Assisi would say, “The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.”

In wellness,

Black Onyx and Amazonite Protection Stack. Hand made with real, high quality crystal beads. Sage cleansed and high vibe.

Powerful Questions Pt. 5

In lieu of Friday Focus I wanted to wrap up the Powerful Questions series with our last set of questions. I couldn’t be more excited for this because this is where we get to take ACTION.

Being a type A person taking action is my jam. This is the time where we now understand what it is we desire and what it was that was holding us back.

Oftentimes we make everything big in our minds: our fears, our embarrassing moments.. heck we even make our dreams so big sometimes it seems impossible!

But today is all about BREAKING THINGS DOWN.

?What is one small step I can take today to create positive change in my life?
?Now what’s an EVEN SMALLER step I can take to create positive change?
?Name one person with whom I can share my creative vision with.

Dare to dream big. Go wild. We only have one life after all! Just make sure you follow up with easy, actionable steps.

Pictured in this post is a creative passion that has been bursting at the seams! Remember how I said what is one small step toward your said goal? Well for me I knew I wanted to create jewelry with intention. If I was going to wear jewelry I felt was sacred and close to my heart, I needed to know where it was coming from and from whom. That was when I decided I wanted to design and make my own jewelry line, and the one small step I took was 1 hour of research a day. Yup, that’s it! My first small step was to set a time limit of 1 hour of research a day. Whether it was for sourcing, how to, the best materials, etc. I knew I only needed to fulfill 1 hour each day until I felt comfortable enough to move on to the next small step.

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Designing these beauties from the aesthetic, how it wears, but most importantly the perfect combination of stones that speaks to a specific blend of energy is what gets me going. No huge shop, just me following what floats my boat and meeting strangers on the street! (Yes, I’ve met a few people who wanted to know where these were from)

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And what I’ve been loving the most is connecting with other beautiful souls in a whole new way to better understand what stones can help their current season in life or what they hope to bring into their life in the next season❤

So remember to celebrate the small wins, and besides… what have you got to lose anyway? ????



Yoga at Gas Works Park, Seattle.

Powerful Questions Pt. 3

It’s day 3 of Powerful Questions, has anything come up for you?

Regardless of whether or not big, hard answers have been revealed, don’t fret.. trust me, your mind is now primed and thinking of creative solutions for YOU.

I absolutely love today’s set of questions because it’s all around RISKS. So scary but oh so good for your soul! Here we go:

? Where in my life can I take more risks?
? What is one thing I have always wanted to do or try but never did?
? How can I let loose, just a little, so that I can fully be present for the moment instead of thinking of a future moment?

I’ve always found that the one thing you might be nervous about trying or doing ALWAYS comes back to remind you. Take some time to honor the nudge and discover what it can reveal for you.

In other news Seattle is going through a MAJOR dry streak and I am melting! Usually I can handle all sorts of heat and humidity but this heat has me thinking of all sorts of ice cold beverages and delicious desserts. So of course I made myself a chocolate horchata milkshake! A little too good to be dangerous 😉

In wellness,

Powerful Questions Pt. 2

Day 2 is here! In an effort to create space for powerful questions I wanted to continue exploring prompts around creation and how we can show up in the world in a more authentic way. Are you ready?

? In what ways do I diminish my light?
? Is it around certain people or activities?
? How can I show up in this world and be even more of my authentic self?
? Why is this important for me?
? What am I afraid of?

Notice whether anything new came up for you or whether there is a specific pattern that keeps coming up. Whether you believe in the stars, the moon, or your vitamix these are all powerful questions you can use to check in with yourself from time to time ???

And remember, no judgement… only awareness is needed to make positive change. Judgement only keep you stuck in the place you want to move away from.

In other news a dear friend of mine had gotten some tickets to Bruno Mars last minute and invited me to go along for the ride, and boy was I excited! Speaking of light, Bruno thank you for your magic, your voice, and for sharing a part of your light. Still can’t believe that was all live.. ???

Excited to share Day 3 in our series of Powerful Questions relating to your creative side and how you show up in this beautiful world.

In wellness,