Visualizing Negative Outcomes

Are you the type of person that typically visualizes the negative outcome first? And then you wonder in a very frustrated way, “why the heck do I do that and drive myself crazy?!”.

First, give yourself compassion. There must have been a reason for your deeper more primitive self to visualize negative outcomes as a way to protect yourself.

Second, every time you do this just become aware of what your mind visualized. Oftentimes we come down hard on ourselves for doing something and we don’t reward our self for recognizing the very act itself which is an important step in grooving a new, more positive neural pathway towards mindfulness.

Third, recognize there are numerous outcomes. And in the numerous outcomes recognize which you tend to gravitate toward and ask yourself, “Does it always come true?”.

Most often than not it never does.

And in following these steps, realizing your tendency should bring you huge relief, because that’s all it is – a tendency that never comes true!

Now, to get more technical, understand how your brain projects the image or feeling. Notice if there are any sounds or voices; and notice which part of your brain they come from. Is the image always projected in the same place? Is the image in color? Are you in the image? Where are the sensations in your body?

Whenever you visualize negative outcomes, you are always projecting them from a certain place in your mind, and this is because you’ve created that neural pathway. Again, this should bring you huge relief because for the most part, that’s all it is – a neural pathway that you’ve created by repeating an action over and over again.

Fortunately, with NLP you can change the projection when it happens. Shrink the image, lower the volume, throw it out into the Universe! Use your same powerful mind that created the image to counteract the image.

If you’re the type of person that visualizes negative outcomes first I’m here to tell you it’s ok. You’re not alone and it’s not a problem with you or your brain. It’s just a matter of repeated actions, and the very same (powerful) mind that is creating the negative visualization can create an equally more logical visualization.

In wellness,


Photo by SHINE TANG on Unsplash

How You React Reflects Your Core Beliefs

Have you ever said one thing but noticed your actions never followed through? Or maybe your body didn’t feel as relaxed or calm as your voice did?

One easy way to know whether your words match your core beliefs is to notice your reactions.

How you REACT is a deep reflection of your CORE BELIEFS.

“She doesn’t bother me anymore” – Yet you feel tense and angry inside

“My fear of big dogs is completely gone” – Yet your body tenses up just a bit every time you see a big dog

“I can’t wait to see you next week!” – Yet your stomach drops and you don’t feel elation like you would a really good friend

“I’m really exited about this new job” – Yet, you don’t feel good deep inside your heart

These are only a few examples but it’s enough to get the gist of the pull quote above. How are you reacting and does your body language and emotions align?

Take a moment to think about one thing you want to happen in your life. Whether that’s to date more people, find that new job, finally get over someone, start a new diet, whatever it is, take a moment to name one thing you are so sure that you want and have wanted for a really long time now.

You have it? Ok, write it down as an affirmation. An example would be, “I have a soul charged career and work with people I love to see every day.”

Once you’ve written your affirmation down, say it out loud. Declare it.

How did that feel in your body? What emotions came up for you? Is there a feeling of doubt? Did you cringe? Did you feel a bit defeated? Or did you feel a smile on your face? Elation? Belief? Trust?

If you felt more of the first category of emotions don’t fret. The point here is not to be disappointed about this, it’s to get excited about it! Yes, excited! Why? Because now you have a clue as to why your deeper, subconscious self doesn’t believe the statement you read aloud.

Take some time to do some pattern recognition work. Look back at the times in your life where you tried to make this change, but ultimately change never happened. In what ways did you sabotage yourself? What are some core limiting beliefs you had in the past that prevented you from following through on the change?

The best way to do this reflection is automatic writing or free flow writing. Get out a note pad, journal and a pen and start writing. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to write yet, just begin writing! Repeat the same word over and over again until something flows.

Another way to do this is to write a letter to God, The Universe, or Your Higher Self and then write a response back as if God, The Universe, or Your Higher Self were writing you back. You would be surprised at how easily the answer comes.

You see, the answer is always within us. It doesn’t matter what modality you use, just find the one that works for you.

Throughout these processes you will begin to realize a few core limiting beliefs have been holding you back. Typically these core limiting beliefs sound something like:

  • There’s no such thing as a career I love for me out there
  • I don’t think big dogs can truly be nice or I must attract the scary big dogs
  • I can’t seem to handle anxious emotions very well

Whatever your core limiting belief is you will notice it right away once it begins to come to light, and THIS is what needs to be worked on before change can happen.

Typically, if you are truly ready to break the limiting belief, once you’ve identified what those are for you, you might notice your mind already working and shifting toward positive change. If not, don’t worry, now that you know what your core limiting beliefs are you can work with a trusted friend to create accountability, do some research, listen to podcasts, or reach out to resources such as a therapist or life coach.

This should be exciting and I hope you begin to feel the work of change growing inside you. Once you’re truly ready for change you’ll begin noticing open doors and little hints here and there… follow them.

In wellness,


Photo by Andressa Voltolini on Unsplash

Patterns That Rule Your Life

Happy Monday beautiful people!

Today I woke up inspired to share an absolute TRUTH of mine in hopes of sparking inspiration and positive change in your life starting today.

Did you know our entire lives are made up by patterns?


Patterned Behavior. Patterned Speech. Patterned Thoughts.

If you observe carefully you will notice that without fail one of these influences the other which influences the other until it reaches full circle and there you have the predictive results of our lives.

Why is it then that we always aim to change the outcome yet fail to get the desired results?

It’s simple. We have yet to change our neural pathway for the new pattern to exist.

Thankfully, you don’t have to willpower your way through this. Whether it’s losing weight, becoming a happier person, stressing less, etc. you don’t have to grit your teeth through the process.

If you desire the change at your CORE you are already half way there. Through NLP (neuro linguistic programming), focused awareness techniques, and self hypnosis work you, yes YOU, can make a positive change and begin living your BEST LIFE.

I firmly believe we are all capable of making the change we desire. This is a crucial first step toward success.

The bigger question is, do you? If there is even a hint of yes in you then you are more than capable of making the change you desire in your life.

Have faith, do the work, be mindful of where your thoughts take you, and equally as important, hand select and surround yourself with your very own network of guides, teachers, and angels.

In wellness,


Oakland Blue Bottle

You Are Your Patterns

We are nothing but patterns

Kind of enlightening and empowering at the same time isn’t it?

When I first heard this yesterday it struck a chord within me. You see, I’ve been delving into the work and research behind the sub/conscious mind and everything is about patterns. If you remember this post, about 95%+ of our thoughts are mere repeats of what we were thinking the day before, and likely the days before that!

Simply acknowledging the fact that our brains are on constant repeat is power enough to know we can change the track.

So how do you change the track?

Continue reading “You Are Your Patterns”