Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue

4 Unconventional Ways To Beat Stress!

Every now and then I like to go live on Facebook and share some golden nuggets. Today was one of those days where I share 4 unconventional ways to beat stress the SMART way. One of those ways may have something to do with NOT working out. Yes, you heard that right!

Watch this video to find out why.

In wellness,


Seattle Stress Management and Executive Coaching

The #1 Reason For Recurring Stress And What You Can Do To Stop It

Recurring stress over the same issue may happen for several reasons, and today, we’ll be covering the top reasons why. But before we do, let me ask you this question. When you think about your stress, what or whom causes the stress the most? Could it be:

  • your boss?
  • staring at excel spreadsheets all day?
  • office politics?
  • cranky children?
  • mother-in-law?
  • too little time on your calendar?

Let’s take the lack of time on your calendar as an example.

The number one reason most people believe this is stressful is because they believe what is filling their calendar to begin with is to blame. They may say things such as, “I’m a busy mom with a full time job and my kids can’t do it without me” or “This is just how my life is right now; I can’t say no to anything on my calendar”.

Seattle Stress Management and Executive Coach

When we choose to say these things, what we inadvertently are doing is giving our power away to outside circumstances. This leaves us in victim mentality, and this is never a good thing.

When we stay in victim mode we don’t make choices that serve us. Instead we continue to perpetuate the circumstance, and unfortunately, stay stressed!

What if instead you said things that gave you your power back and offered you choices such as:

  • I’m a bad-ass mom and cherish every moment I get with my children
  • I can look into hiring part time support to help with the chores
  • I will only say yes to invites that have a net positive result for me and my family

Thoughts such as the ones above take you out of victim mentality and propel you forward to take positive action. Staying in the original stressful thoughts only keep you there. See the difference?

Now, another reason most people stay stressed about the same issue is because they haven’t dug deep enough to the root cause of their stress.

Most often than not, when I first work with a client I see that there is always something much deeper than a “calendar”, “boss”, or whatever issue it was they originally came in with.

This is where we need to dig through layered thoughts, conscious and unconscious, to identify what the sticking point it.

It very well could be fear of death, security issues, lack of control, etc. and until we resolve THESE issues no matter what you do to try and control your calendar you very well may remain stressed because again, it’s not the calendar that is causing you your stress.

So ask yourself these questions:

  • Have I been speaking to myself as the victim?
  • How can I change my thoughts to propel me into positive action?
  • What could be the real issue underlying all this?

Until we treat the root of how and why we automatically think disserving thoughts, our stress may very well remain, and this is why stress is never a bad thing. Our stress is only trying to teach us what we need to bring to the surface so that we can finally resolve a much bigger issue and start living the life we know deep down we’re all meant to live.

In wellness,



Seattle Stress Management Coach, Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue Coach

The First Step To Solving A STRESSFUL Problem

Stress causes a lot of problems.

Problems cause a lot of stress.

But do they have to be negative in order for you to solve them?

Watch this short video on why I believe it’s a disservice when people help you “solve” your problems without addressing the ROOT CAUSE of why you have the problem in the first place.

Find someone who can help you unleash your inner most potential without falling into the trap of creating more problems in your life.

In wellness,


Perceptual Intelligence

“Why bother keeping that potentially incorrect perception of the event when you can make something good come of it?”

~Brian Boxer Wachler, MD

Most of what I do is to build better Thought Management for clients so that they can begin to see their realities are nothing but what they perceive them to be. And THAT is power; to know that YOU are the one in control and not any one or any thing else.

Perceptual Intelligence

Let me put this into context for you.

If you went on a 5 day trek in the jungle and had to drink water out of a small, dirty tank, and ration your water “just in case”, how might you perceive water when you return to your home where fresh, clean water is available 24/7?

Here’s one that you’ll get right away, how is it that when you don’t think you can do anymore of your workout, when the right song or when someone cute passes by you suddenly have a bolt of energy?

You decided to change your perception. And guess what? YOU ARE THE PERCEIVER which means you are the DIRECTOR of your own thoughts!

Doesn’t that offer so much power to you right away? To know it is your right to think whatever you wish and that the feelings and actions that follow are a direct result of what you think?

I get a spark of inspiration every time I realize this truth because it shows me just how in control I am of everything that happens.

Think of something you’re unsatisfied with and take yourself to the thought that preceded the feeling. What did you say to yourself that made you upset, anxious, or worried? What better thought or question can you ask yourself to get you a better feeling?

The power is in your hands always. Don’t let it go to waste.

In wellness,


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Susan is a Life Coach based in Seattle, WA. Her main focus is to coach people build a strong emotional container so that we can experience the fullness of life coming from a place of deep confidence. Susan also coaches clients looking to heal adrenal fatigue by using a mental meta-model aimed at breaking down old mental patterns and behaviors so that we can finally tap into our own personal power.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash