If you’re a human being then most likely there have been times in your life when you resisted certain situations, people, or events in your life because of one thing – feeling breakable.
What does it mean to feel breakable?
To most, this means the thought of enduring, or experiencing, a specific event causes you to avoid the event, person, or thing in order to not feel the future discomfort of feeling an unwanted emotion.
Perhaps for you it’s as simple as not attending a reunion.
Or how about finding an intimate relationship?
And it can be as small as avoiding public speaking at work.
Whatever it may be for you, I invite you to take some time now to write out a list of all the future events or milestones you haven’t achieved yet because of this fear of feeling breakable.

Now that you know specifically what those situations are, I want you to take a hard look at them.
Notice how the discomfort of how you feel now is not any different from the future presupposed discomfort of what you think you will feel then.
The truth is, you are dissatisfied either way.
The only reason why you are so afraid of taking action on those things is because you believe, somewhere in your subconscious mind, that you are incapable of being able to handle it.
But is that the truth?
Let me put it this way.
Is that the truth you WANT to believe?
Because if you desire to believe it to be another way…. go get help now.
And if you don’t want to get help, the fastest way to jump through this illusion is to understand the only thing in your way of getting what you want, is an EMOTION.
Really think about that.
You believing you are emotionally breakable is because of what you think an emotion will do to you.
But what WILL happen to you?
That’s the other thing I see many people do, is they never follow through on the thought.
They create a mental picture of what this emotion will do to them in that moment, and never finish the story.
So what will happen?
Will you cry?
Bury yourself under the sheets?
You won’t die that’s for sure.
So what was it for you when you finished your story?
I’ll bet it wasn’t as scary as you thought it was huh?
Because here’s the thing….
You will never get what you want, if you don’t take one small step toward evolving yourself to the next level.
Whether it’s seeking help, doing one small, brave thing each day, or biting the bullet and going after what it is you really want… you must take ACTION.
So, what will you do now?
Now that you know an emotion is what is between you and what you desire… what now?
Go do it.
In wellness,